Diaries Magazine

[Movie Review] The Call with Halle Berry is #DATE NIGHT Approved

Posted on the 25 March 2013 by Djrelat7 @djrelat7
Date Night Approved by My Pocketful of Thoughts

It’s no secret that Daniel and I have different tastes in movies, but if I mention that a certain lovely female actress is present then it’s a slam dunk to suggest a movie I’m looking forward to seeing. Thus was the case last Saturday night where we decided to make a movie and dinner date. When he asked me to text him his options on Friday I only sent him one …”The Caller with Halle Berry …did I mention Halle Berry?” Now, I’ve learned you should let your man pick something out… so I let him choose the time we would watch it. It might not seem like I offered him much choice but who doesn’t want to see Halle Berry? LOL

The Call with Halle Berry

Visit the Official Site

Normally I hate seeing anything that sounds like its going to have a bad ending …which happens to be the same reason why I do not watch the news. The previews show that a young girl has been abducted and the 911 operator tries to help her. I won’t go into details because I hate when people give too much details about something I’d like to see but I will say that Daniel loved it. He wants you to know that you should see it after dinner. We saw it at the last matinee showing because he’s not allowed to watch anything that starts after 5. Did I tell you about the time he feel asleep and snored LOUDLY in a packed movie theater showing of Hidalgo? Yes, that really happened.

I agree with him, it’s a perfect date night movie for Friday or Saturday night but I want you to also think about going with the young women in your life… your daughter, your niece and your next door neighbor’s teenage daughter. I watched this movie thinking of my niece. I kept thinking, my niece needs to be watching this with me right now. The young girls that open up the movie are hanging out at the mall, alone. This is something my niece thinks is OK. While I do believe our children should have a little freedom, they prove to us to be totally unaware of the dangers of being “adult-like” she believes that she will not be touched by the dangers that plague our news  channels. How do you explain the dangers to your child?

photo credit: Great Beyond via photopin cc

photo credit: Great Beyond via photopin cc

If you decide to go with your teen just remind them that the way the movie ends is not typical. Oh and let me know if you think you could be a 911 Operator after watching this movie!

Here’s the trailer:

Until then,



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