My baby particularly loves to sleep - except of course, of a night time when he'd MUCH rather be wide awake and wanting to explore!
As tempting as it is to cuddle him all the time, we know that he needs to learn to be on his own a little too and so we have been trying him out with various things - he's not a huge fan of the moses basket just yet but will sleep in his pram of a day time. But he does seem to LOVE using his swing and his beanbag.
So when I was given the chance to review the East Coast Rest & Play Rocker, I was excited to see what Tyne would make of it....

The rocker arrived very well packaged, and once I saw that it required assembly I left the task to Daddy as I have NO patience with that kind of thing!
However, I watched him put it together and was surprised by how straight forward it looked - I actually think I would have quite easily been able to manage it on my own!
The pieces simply slotted together, and the instructions were very straight forward and easy to follow.
Within no more than 5 minutes, the East Coast Rest & Play Rocker was ready to go!
The design is very modern and reminds me very much of something you might see in John Lewis - the design is very unisex too which is a big plus.

You can have the seat reclining or sitting up, but for Tyne we have it reclining as all he wants to do right now is lay back and sleep!
There are 2 vibration settings - Tyne prefers the light vibration, but the higher setting may be something we use as he gets a bit older.
There are also 3 lullabies that you can play - Tyne is a big fan of lullabies so these soothed him straight away!

There is a backrest included, and the chair features an adjustable strap which is very easy to use and you can clearly see that baby is nice and secure.
Since this arrived last week, Tyne has used it every day and he really seems to love it! He looks so comfy laying in it, he always sleeps well and he actually seems to prefer it over his swing now!
The rocker is suitable from birth to approximately 6 months (or 9 kg).
The East Coast Rest & Play Rocker is available from - the RRP is £59.99 but it is currently on sale for just £47.99 with FREE UK delivery! also have many other baby and home decor products available, and are well worth a look!!

Tyne gives the East Coast Rest & Play Rocker 5 out of 5!!!