Tyne is now at an age where he is starting to really play a lot more, and so when we were recently asked to try out some Lamaze toys it couldn't have come at a better time! Before receiving the toys I was already very familiar with the Lamaze name, as I'm sure a lot of parents will be. Lamaze was the manufacturer of the very first toy we ever bought for Tyne was a box of foot & wrist finders which he has had SO much use out of - he started using them at around 4 weeks old and is still endlessly amused by them today! I have always loved the bright colours and materials that Lamaze use in their range of toys, and the ones that were sent to us were no exception. The toys we were sent to try out were:
My First Ted 
This super cute little guy is so sweet and cuddly! His bright colours really seem to draw Tyne in, and his crinkling bottom and ears provide literally hours of entertainment! Anything that makes a crinkling sound is so amusing to Tyne at the moment so this really is a big hit! Ted's feet also squeak when pressed - although Tyne hasn't quite got the hang of making them squeak for himself yet, he laughs away whenever we do it for him!Tyne is also a big fan of the chewable pieces on Ted's hands! My First Ted is on sale with an RRP of £13.99
Franky The Hanky Whale 
This is my favorite of the three toys we were sent as its just so different from anything else I've come across on the market!The cute, brightly coloured cuddly whale has crinkly fins and comes with four multi coloured tissues which can be pushed through his mouth and out through his blow-hole. The push and pull movement is fantastic for encouraging babies fine motor skills and the colours provide a brilliant opportunity for older toddlers to discuss the names of colours.Tyne is a little young to be able to fully appreciate Franky just yet but he does love cuddling him and the black & white pattern on his tummy certainly draws Tyne's eye! Franky The Hanky Whale is available with an RRP of £14.99
Cheery Chirpers Ostrich 
If Tyne could talk, I'm pretty certain that he'd be telling you that this is HIS personal favorite at the moment of the toys we were sent! He giggles away whenever this cheeky little chappy is presented to him! You move the ostrich in an up and down jumping motion so that he makes a "tweeting" noise, and it has Tyne in hysterics every time! The crinkly feet and high contrast pattern are a winner, and the neck is the perfect size for Tyne to get a grip on! The Cheery Chirpers are the perfect first toy for babies, and are available for a bargain £5.99 All of the toys mentioned here are available to purchase from
www.lamazetoys.co.uk and from all major retailers.
*Products kindly sent for review consideration - all opinions remain our own.
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