He was displaying all the classic signs and after a chat with our health visitor, we decided to go for it.
We started him on the classic baby rice but he was't a fan - we then moved onto baby porridge and rusk, which were both much bigger hits!
I kept him on these things for a couple of weeks, and then decided it was time to start introducing new flavours and textures.
I started off making my own pear puree.
I'm no Jamie Oliver in the kitchen, and so peeling and chopping loads of gooey pears and blending them was not a fun process for me - it took around 45 minutes in all and I was left with a tiny amount of pear puree. But Tyne did really like it!Next I tried carrots - the peeling, boiling, chopping and pureeing of the carrots took around 40 minutes and again, 11 carrots made one small bowl of puree.
Tyne didn't like it much at all - so it was a rather wasted effort.
After making the carrot puree, I remembered that the lovely people at Ella's Kitchen had sent us a few of their pouches* to try - I went to the cupboard and took out the "Pears Pears Pears" one to read the ingrediants list - I was AMAZED to read this:
"100% Pears, 0% everything else".
So thats it - just pears!!! No additives, nothing artificial - sitting there in a handy to squeeze little pouch all ready and waiting was the exact same thing I had taken 45 minutes and a lot of swear words to produce!!!
From then on - we have been using Ella's Kitchen pouches every day and both myself and Tyne love them!
Me for the ease of use and Tyne for the taste!
So far he has tried "Pears Pears Pears", "Apples Apples Apples", "Bananas Bananas Bananas", and today we tried "Mangoes Mangoes Mangoes" - he has loved every single one so far (Though apple seems to be his favorite as this has him leaning forward with his mouth open wanting more!)
At this stage he has about half a pouch a day, and the rest is popped into the fridge where it can be stored for up to 48 hours.
I love how simple these pouches are, they're so easy to transport with you on days out, and if you are super lazy like me you don't even need to use a bowl - you can just the squeeze the puree out of the pouch straight onto the spoon!!!!
I LOVE Ella's Kitchen pouches, I have already bought us a load more and I can't wait to try more of their ranges as Tyne progresses further with weaning!
You can find out more about the wide range of Stage 1, 2 and 3 products from Ella's Kitchen as well as the new chilled desserts range at their website http://www.ellaskitchen.co.uk
The pouches are available from Sainsburys, Boots, Ocado, Asda & Tesco for just 69p!
Product kindly sent for review consideration
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