…muscle Through

Posted on the 22 October 2018 by Zer @the2women

Ah, Monday morning, a time to get revved up for the week ahead (with ALL the coffee).

For some that will mean looking back at what was and wasn't accomplished, which can be a reasonable exercise, just make sure to avoid (at all costs) the Monday morning quarterback zone.

Don't be fooled by the name, it's so easy for anyone (even non-quarterbacks) to get sucked into the woulda, coulda, shoulda cycle of the past.

I can only imagine the non-quarterback who through this gem on the internationally broadcast NFL game from London is thinking I woulda, coulda, shoulda, not punted/tossed/whatever the heck happened here, the ball so close to the sideline reporters.

She, on the other hand, did not miss a beat. No woulda, coulda, shoulda here. Just badass reporting and what appears to be enough hairspray to absorb the blow of the ball).

This gives the phrase "taking one for the team" new meaning. May we all carry that kind of focus with us into our weeks (but don't forget to look after yourself...and your possible head injury, once the adrenaline has passed). Good luck out there crusaders!

...bi-daily smile...