What the F. What the F. When I came across this music video, I actually thought it was a mockery of boy-bands. Turns out, this is a real. Oh yes, a very very real band (courtesy of former boy-band member Lance Bass). I have no words. What I have are laughs. Lots and lots of laughs.For the entire duration of this awful, awful song, I laughed, I belly laughed to the point of falling off my chair. The haircuts, the outfits, the gawky eyed groupie girls, I never imagined boy bands could get any lamer but proven wrong again! I mean, Lance Bass, come on. Is this a joke?
Their debut song is titled, "Facebook Official," and it is exactly what you think it is. According to the urban dictionary, "Facebook Official" is the ultimate definition in college relationships. Oh BLERG! Check out the first verse of the song..... Double BLERG!...
Log on, Myspace is dead.
I’ma checking your pages to see what you said.
Girl you’re so fine.
Your picture’s so hot, I am thinking dirty thoughts
But I better better not.
Heart to heart is back,
FB chat popping on my Mac.
I like your status, two thumbs up.
I met you last week when you played flip cup.

REALLY? ... Enjoy