My 47% Dream

Posted on the 19 November 2012 by Nesheaholic @nesheaholic
I had THE oddest dream last week. The only people I remember recognizing were Conan O'Brien and the lovely TS Hawkins. I'm guessing Conan was there because that's what I fell asleep watching, and TS was there because I was on the eve of an event we were producing together. 

In the dream, I, and a bunch of other people were in this beautiful house. Story upon story of beauty and opulence. You can tell there was two distinctly different groups of people in the house. There were people who were clearly rich, and then the rest were just "regular" people. I was a "regular" person. Not poor, just normal. On the first night in the house, only the rich people were able to take the elevator to the top floors to sleep, while everyone else had to make spaces on the floor all together with sleeping bags and such. 

The next night, the rich people were gone. All the people who were left were excited about sleeping in the upper floors, but no one could get there. You know that feeling in a dream where you are struggling to get to somewhere and it just won't happen? That's how it felt. I can't remember what the concrete thing was that was stopping us, maybe the elevators just weren't working... but we wanted to get to the upper floors, and couldn't. 

I thought about my dream for about a day and decided it could totally be a metaphor for what has now been coined the 47% - the middle class people in the U.S.

The house represented the country. And the inability of the "normal" people to reach the top floors represented the inability for all people to reach the epitome of the wealth version of the American Dream. The rich people easily made it on the elevators to the top floors, while the others just could not go any further. 

What do you think?

DigiWriMo Word Count: 6,274