And so, the day of the Great A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal BlogFest dawns bright, clear, and rather warm where I live.
On Feb 11, 2014 we announced the Theme Reveal BlogFest with a drum roll and a fabulous badge designed by my team mate Samantha Geary Jones aka WriterlySam and I am excited to see that 1413 (and counting) participants have signed up!
(I co-hosted the A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal with #TeamDamyanti mates Anna Tan, Csenge Zalka, Guilie Castillo Oriard and Samantha! (Yes, the same Samantha who designed the gorgeous theme reveal badge!) with team-mates Jemima Pett and Mary Wallace actively supporting us!)I am participating in the April A to Z Challenge 2014 with two blogs this time – this one – Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles and my health blog Your Medical Guide.
On Vidya Sury, (you are here!) my theme is … variety. *Ducks!* Before you judge me, consider this:
Motivated by all the discussions going on about themes and the advantages of having a theme, I wondered…to theme, or not to theme?
I thought about various ideas – yeah, I am cool like that. And came up with a year’s worth of ideas. I made lists.
Travel – all the places I’ve visited – I found I had covered more than one place for each alphabet!
Music – limitless choice – too much that I like and very hard to confine to 26 posts!
Folk tales – this was my son’s idea. He’s a big fan of folk tales and even gave me resources. Half way through the effort, my mind was so full of deeper ideas, I decided to make it a regular feature here – long term idea.
Hindu Gods – again, my son’s idea. I asked if he would help me do it. He rested his case.
Indian traditions – I come from a land of traditions, too many local languages and a rich cultural heritage and there is no dearth of topics to write about. Still, Um…er….after collecting loads of info and enriching my own knowledge…I decided not to go with it. Oh I will blog about it..not in April though.
Food – again, lots to write about, but in keeping with this blog’s overall theme, it is better as a fortnightly or monthly post.
And so, what have we here?
Stop wriggling in your seats.
Take that finger away from your touchpad/mouse/keyboard.
Easy eh? It will be just the same as usual, except during April – the posts will conform to the alphabet for the day.
I will also have the privilege of hosting some awesome guests here, during April. Incredible people I love. And I don’t want to try and restrain them into a theme that I thought up!.
So a glimpse into what you can expect:
Guest posts
Book reviews, yes.
Feel-good posts – reflective musing
Inspiring stories
Parenting perspectives
Some humor, perhaps
Photo posts
Maybe some haiku
Health tips
That looks like quite a bit, right? It is. I hoped to finish writing and scheduling the posts, but life took over and I am taking it as it comes. Or goes, depending how you look at it!
Above all, my aim is to ensure that you enjoy visiting, just as you did last year and think about what you read, with a smile.
To learn what I will be writing about on my health blog, please visit Your Medical Guide
If this is your first time here and you’re wondering why the ‘eck you should care about the April A to Z Challenge, here are my reflections from last year.
And now, may I suggest you visit the April A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal BlogFest sign up list and check out what the others are up to?
Let’s party!
And don’t forget to MINGLE!
I am glad you are here. May your day be filled with smiles!
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