My Best Friend

Posted on the 21 September 2013 by Ram

My best friend Sushil has finally helped me in jointly creating and sending my first love mail to Priya, my college mate. I have been chasing her, the whole of this year inside the College, Chennai’s – Cafe Coffee Day’s, Barista’s, Pizza Hut’s and Express Avenue. It was just like a temple visit, where you see so many faces, pray and then come back home. Our eyes met so many times but we hardly spoke a word during this year. Of course I traveled only with my close buddies and this might have been the reason for our lack of communication.

My greatest pain was her mother Kalpana. All my visits to her house at odd hours early in the morning or at mid afternoon proved futile because of Mrs.Kalpana’s domineering presence. When I heard, her father was posted in the Navy, I went so crazy, thinking of so many close encounters we might have in the future. But Mrs Kalpana made up for all that. She would guard her daughter as if she was protecting an upcoming movie actress. She escorted her to the groceries, library, video parlor, hair cut’s, bus stops and even to the telephone department office.

I just got fed up. So we decided it’s time we took action and on this golden day, we combined, to draft, a so, so, romantic email which ran for two pages. We even smuggled in three quotation books from my Dad’s study.

Sushil, ok let’s go now, but before that  let me just check the “sent” mail column. WOW. It said message sent. Lucky me, no bounce. Sushil. Hey Sushil, why are you so silent da. I turned around to see Sushil’s face all red, as if he just walked out of a horror movie. He said, You idiot. You ***^%$%$.

You have sent the mail to That is her mothers email id.

Cheap liar, Sushil. I banged his face and he fell flat on the bed. You said you copied the email from her facebook account.

Sushil said “Sorry , Sorry, it’s all my fault”. I have copied it right, but sent you the wrong sms. Machaan please understand, I copied Mrs.Kalpana’s email too.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda. 

This weekend your post should begin with, “And before I knew it, I had hit ‘Send’.

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