My Best Friend’s Baby 2

Posted on the 21 August 2011 by Bvulcanius @BVulcanius

Me holding my best friend's baby

I did it! I visited my best friend’s newborn and I held her. At first I wasn’t so sure, but I figured I could use this experience as practice in the field of baby-holding. Not feeling too much discomfort, I watched how the baby’s eyes shifted behind her eyelids as she slept.

The baby’s dad already had to work after ten days of paternity leave. Currently he’s working half days. After a few months the baby’s mother will also return to work for four days, leaving three days of a week where the baby will be with her parents.

Now, I’ve been wondering why in the world you’d have a kid and not be there half of the time. Is it because you think it’s just a part of life and expected of you to procreate when you have a (solid) partner, a place to live, and have reached a certain age? My friend told me she wouldn’t mind going back to work, because the job of a mother is not intellectually challenging enough. I would think that raising a child is very much an intellectual matter. Instead you bring your kid to daycare and put the demanding task of raising a child into the hands of a virtual stranger. Sure, some of them might be capable of this, but certainly not all. I would want this task to rest mainly on my shoulders, and of course the shoulders of the rest of the child’s family.

A lot of people find it strange when I compare a child with my dog (and I know this comparison isn’t rock solid by all means), but as I ‘raised’ my dog I felt terribly responsible. This dog you’re getting is going to have to take part in our society. It has to have manners, be kind to both people (kids!) and animals, should not jump up at anyone, should not make unnecessary noises like barking, howling, and growling. It should know how to behave in a car or all others means of transport (including public). I took this task very seriously and did it myself, not only because I’m the one who wanted this dog, but also because I think I’m more than capable of accomplishing what I had my mind set on. I’m guessing I’d feel the same way, possibly even stronger if we were talking about my kid instead of my dog. So, I intend to be there as often as I can.