"Will Bloom: You become what you always were - a very big fish. "My favorite movie of all time without a close second. My second favorite is Gladiator, but that's not important right now. I don't remember the first time I saw Big Fish, but it has been my favorite since that day. The whole movie draws me away from myself, and makes me want to examine my life to make sure that I am leaving a legacy behind. I don't need to be the "biggest fish", but I want to be a fish that is remembered as I am sure that everyone does. In the end what you leave behind is the stories you have. Those are what is passed down to your kids and their kids, so make your stories ones worth sharing, and ones worth telling.
I remember when we got engaged Jared brought Big Fish up to watch after he proposed, on Valentines he put on Big Fish, pretty much any time Jared wants to see my happier than a joke he puts on Big Fish. Which brings me to our wedding. After we got engaged, we didn't know where to start on planning and I was reading online that it's easier to plan your wedding if you have a theme. I went through so many themes in my head, and with Jared. Then it hit me, Big Fish. Why can't this movie that means so much to me be the theme of a day that means so much to me? I told Jared, and he was as down as I was to make this happen. So everything from our wedding was Big Fish themed. I think that is why I don't ever look back and regret anything AT ALL from our wedding. So this is an ode to Big Fish in form of wedding.
Big Fish Themed Engagement Photo ShootSitting in piles of flowers like when Sandra and Edward were in the daffodil field.

In the bathtub from my favorite scene "I don't think I'll ever dry out"
makes me cry every time.

Giant and Edward wonder through the forrest after leaving their town. We took our own take on that scene :)

Edward get beat up confessing his love for Sandra, this is our Photographer beating Jared up. :)

Big Fish Decor - The town of spectreThe lights when he left Spector there were light lined up as he was leaving.

The Secnery (very forrest like, full of trees and flowers like the journey taken with the Giant)
Also the colors. Sandra Templeton was always in blue and her favorite flower was daffodil which the color of my girls cardigans.

There ya go, I love Big Fish so much that I themed my wedding after the movie. Have any of you seen and love that movie? I sure hope so. If you haven't I highly suggest you red box, record, or download it tonight. Make it a date night! I have only met one person in my life who didn't like this movie.. my cousin, and I think that I disowned her…. just kidding Jennifer, I still love you! Also yellow card wrote a song for themed after Big Fish when he looks into the witches eye, and I wanted to share it with all of you big fish lovers.
posted on 18 October at 17:42
This is great. Love big fish and the theme. Amazing wedding pictures.