It was the best feeling ever finally having him in my arms.
It's been a busy 8 years since then, we moved house twice, the Twins arrived and made their presence felt which forced Ben to grow up quickly at just 3.5 years, we have had amazing holidays and made truly special family memories big and small together. Ben is now in Year 3 at school so has just moved up to Juniors which is a big step in itself as he has a lot more independence now. He had a really great year at school last year and started to love learning in a way that I hadn't seen in him before. He is a voracious reader, loves Minecraft and Pokemon, he has a beautiful singing voice and I love that he sings so much, most likely without even realising he is doing so. Most of all though he is growing up to be a genuinely lovely boy, he makes me proud so many times especially when I see him helping and encouraging the twins, sure they have their sibling arguments but he is kind and caring, not to mention dependable with a wicked sense of humor and a cheeky streak - he certainly does keep us entertained.
Happy Birthday my little man who made me a Mummy, love you Ben! xxx