Today is my 7th birthday and the Winter Solstice which means it is dark a lot.

Elly and Knutty came over on Saturday and we had apple and cookies but we had to soak Knutty's cookies because

he went to the dentist. But he is better now.

This is a dog I do not know who was outside a shop.He looks like the sort of dog I would be friends with.

These are my regular friends - Charlotte and Biggie and Buddha.

This is my official birthday portrait which is in black and white to make it look important.

Yes, I do still go to the park but not so often.

This is me with two girls who you know - Charlotte and Darcy.

I got two Christmas cards. This one is from the Hamish.

This one is from James in Washington. I did not send out any cards this year.

Now I am going to have a nap on my sister's bed that is coming from England on Wednesday night. This evening we are going to decorate the tree that is in our house.
I hope you have a REALLY GOOD CHRISTMAS and holidays and a great new year.