Finding June came out last Tuesday! Hooray! That of course doesn't mean my work is done. I feel strongly that what I put out there is a good book. It's a good story. June and Reece's story is a good one. Now the hard part comes in having people take a chance on it. I did not write a smut filled book with (insert a certain type of bad boy) character. Not that I don't enjoy those. I just wrote a story with a good guy and a girl whose heart is after my own. So I'm going to hit the (internet) pavement as I try to shove my book in as many bloggers hands as possible to get the word out. I feel like Finding June is my kid I'm putting into a child beauty pageant and I'm the new mom that doesn't know how much makeup to put on their kid.
And I have to say THANK YOU for friends, family, fellow authors and bloggers who gave shout outs to Finding June. Your support means SO much to me. Not all authors get that type of support. I feel incredibly lucky and loved and blessed. In all reality, I was totally nervous about it all. I mean, no I did not write a smut filled book...but.....there is swearing (June swears like a sailor. I have no idea where she got that from. ;) ) and there is some sex..I mean June and Reece are both consenting adults. All tastefully done. But in the realm of books I read and published in, Finding June is pretty tame.
Anyways. If you haven't picked up a copy of Finding June check out the links below. ALSO there is two giveaways going on where you can win signed paperbacks and amazon gift cards. One is done by my blog tour and the other is by My Book Muse. There is also links in the side bar ---->
And I updated my playlist and music behind Finding June. The original post can be found over at Heather Lyons Blog (Who is absolutely fabulous and you should all check out her books)
Finding June- Amazon
Finding June- Barnes and Nobel
Finding Junes- Goodreads (You don't have to have a goodreads account but most reviews are on this site in case your curious about what people are saying)
And if you do pick it up, if you love it or don't, please leave a review! Authors love reviews! Specially new authors still trying to figure out all this shit :) Thanks lovelys!
*If your a book blogger and wanting a review copy of Finding June I am more than happy to send one along. Just contact me on any of my social media :) *
a Rafflecopter giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway