I'm meeting my web designer this afternoon to go through changes. The photo shoots are done, pictures chosen, most of the copy for the pages is complete and I've planned the first two weeks content, including some great offers and a fantastic competition (if I can pull it off). I just need to get on now and do it! I can't deny it - I'm having a wobble - "Who on earth do I think I am? What do I know about setting up a website magazine - what if it's crap and no one reads it .....Aggggghhhhhrrrrr" etc. etc.
I do know it's just jitters and if I keep on going, taking each day at a time, I will get there. Launch day, Monday April 16th 2012 will be what I make of it - and whatever happens, it will go down in my personal history as the day I stepped out of my comfort zone - out of the shadows and gave launching my own business a go.
Having said that, last week was my best week EVER here at My Wonderful Life Blog Central (aka my spare room). A visit from The Queen and a fabulous re-tweet from The Manchester Evening News Desk of my 'Canoeing along The Bridgewater Canal in the sunshine' blog helped me along to a fabulous weekly total of 1,711 page views, it's not huge, I'm told is pretty good for a little personal blog!
Talking of our Scottish canoe challenge - the 60 mile, coast to coast Caledonian Canal Challenge. Well I applied for our permit yesterday, and in the process frightened the living be-jesus out of myself. I've had to inform someone called Hamish at the Coast Guard!

Now don't get me wrong, we aren't novices. We've canoed many times, especially on holiday, but this is a completely different kettle of fish. In order to get a license I had to answer the following questions - see what I mean?
Experience / Capability:
Knowledge of Lochs:
Type of craft:
Name of boat or expedition:
List of Safety Equipment carried:
VHF Call Sign:
Confirmation that a risk assessment has been carried out and an emergency contingency plan is in place:
But I apparently answered them all sufficiently to be granted a license. No I didn't say that our emergency plan was to point towards the shore and shout "SH*******T!" at the top of our voices!
It's the thought of the lochs that's giving me the jitters - especially Loch Ness, all 23 miles of it, with it's 5ft high waves (in bad weather) and freezing temperatures. Challenge or no, I'm hugging that shoreline and at the slightest sign of a swell, I'm out of there.
I didn't log a boat or expedition name - but I think we do probably need one. I did think about 'Titanic' as a tribute to the big boat's 100 year anniversary (April 15th), but it's the whole sinking thing - probably not such a good idea.
So what do you think? What should we call our vessel and expedition? All suggestions welcome.
And finally - FINALLY, I think I'm ready to move on the week 2 of the Couch to 5K running programme. I've been trying to successfully complete week 1 for the past month, but having finally completed the programme three times in one week now as required, I think I'm ready to move on. Week 2's programme is as follows:
2 Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 90 seconds of jogging and two minutes of walking for a total of 20 minutes. Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 90 seconds of jogging and two minutes of walking for a total of 20 minutes. Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 90 seconds of jogging and two minutes of walking for a total of 20 minutes.
So that's my life at the moment - currently 'Challengingly Wonderful' - but still smiling and so, so happy that I'm still here to live it.