Self Expression Magazine

My Childhood Dream Job….

Posted on the 25 May 2011 by Teenagesaint @teenage_baba


Ever since I was a child I had this fascination about vehicles. My mom used to tell me that my favorite toys were the likesMy childhood dream job…. of cars, trains, buses and jets. I had an entire shelf for such toys, you name it and I had it! It must have been my passion of such toys that I always wanted to drive one. When I was a kid, It once happened that, me and my mother were travelling in a bus and while having this wonderful ride in the beautiful locales of my village; I told my mother, ” Amma, I want to be a bus driver”. The woman sitting next to my mom started laughing and pinched my cheeks, I smiled in return :) . But my mother was not so pleased at me and right after going back to home she tried to make me understand that driving buses is not good and that only bad boys who do not listen to their parents and don’t study, drive buses. She asked me, ” But, you are a good boy, aren’t you?” I nodded my head, obediently. :|

After that day, I left the idea of driving a bus ‘coz I was a good boy. But, abandoning my goal of driving vehicles was not My childhood dream job….going to be that easy. Unlike north india, where all public vehicles (apart from the brand new METRO) carry a filthy look; public transports at my place are taken good of, they are so clean that you won’t mind spending an entire night in it sleeping. I set my eyes on an auto-rickshaw next! The driver of that auto was our neighbour and all the kids in our neighbourhood used go to his home in the evening and display our authority over the auto! The driver bhaiya had a special liking for me, so much so that he used to take me for rides in it. He sometimes would even let me take control of it, while he sat besides me ensuring that we don’t end up in an accident! One day I decided to tell my mother of the crucial decision that i had taken. With an adult-like demeanor I went to my mother and said, “You asked me not to drive a bus, i agreed. But no force on earth can stop me from riding an auto-rickshaw. Don’t worry about the cost of buying one, Manu bhaiya will give that auto to me whenever I ask for”

DISHUM…DISHUM…DISHUM..!@#$%^……It took me 3 days to recover from the fever, after getting beaten up by my father.

Then, one day my mother caressing my forehead said , “Why not be a Pilot, then you’ll get to ride aeroplanes and can flyMy childhood dream job…. in the sky like a free bird. But don’t forget you’ll have to study very hard to become one”. This advice from my mother really raised an interest in me for studies and why not, after all i was going to fly a plane, you see. But no amount of absoluteness from my side seemed to help. I am not naturally gifted with a good memory, though I can remember instances as old as this one but I had no luck with cramming and remembering the written word. But this was not going to deter me from reaching my destiny, I decided. I didn’t even mind burning the midnight-oil for it. I tried to study hard and hard and hard and hard…!!!

So hard did i study that my eyes become weak and i got glasses. After coming out of the hospital my father said,”He’ll have to wear glasses now……….0.5D…….Short-sightedness.” Short-sightedness?? That was tough for me to believe. I  was such a long-sighted guy. My dreams of being a pilot broke, Bad – Eyesight would be the reason for my rejection, i came to know….!!! Oh-ho….:\

If these disasters weren’t enough, my experiences of learning to ride a motor-cycle were equally unpleasant. It had gifted me enough fractures that I still get a panic attack at the idea of riding one. I stay away from that monster as much as possible, unless I am to sit at the pillion with my father or my friends.

With so much of experiences that i had gained, I understood Riding/Driving vehicles was not my cup of tea. As tragediesMy childhood dream job…. are known to be at my footsteps, here came the biggest one. My father’s idea, “If not a Pilot, why not be the one who engineers it. It’s as good as being a pilot.” This really got me thinking, it interested me. But the perfect surprise came when I found out after my tenth standard, that all of my 60 classmates had been advised by their parents exactly the same – TO BE AN ENGINEER!!! Wow! Co-incidences of such big magnitudes were new to me. Anyways, most of us were successful in getting into the science stream in the 11th grade. I worked hard for 2 years dreaming everyday of studying in engineering colleges like IIT’s and NIT’s. Then came my entrance examinations.

Not again, !@#$%^….. :( . Forget IIT’s and NIT’s, I failed to get an admission even in the ill-reputed colleges of Uttar Pradesh. Well, i would not like to get into the details of this one. But, I realised that I never had the aptitude to be an engineer. There seemed to be some serious mystery with my luck.. ;( , which to this date I am struggling to solve.

My childhood dream job….But, today my dream job has evolved from being a driver to creating the thing driven by the driver and now, to holding a ‘screw-driver’. Yes, you read it right, a screw-driver. I cannot demand anything more than that! And the best thing about this job is that:-

  • To drive screws I don’t need to have a degree. And unlike engineering, I don’t have to cram scientific formulas. On the more positive side, it provides me a job too.
  • There’s no lack of job opportunities. Each and every home in the country would have at least one loose screw.
  •  Learning to drive it may not cause any fatal injuries.
  • It would keep me pretty grounded as it does not show me dreams of flying high in the sky with the birds. 
  • Good skills are the lone requirements.
  • Eyesight problem is not a problem, I can drive it wearing spectacles, too.
  • I won’t be called a bad boy. Mind you I am not driving buses, but screws!


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