Diaries Magazine

My Chums

Posted on the 18 July 2011 by Elizabethwix

Biggie is on the bench
My Chums
because he says it is too hot.
My Chums
Tyson is smiling.
My Chums
I am looking at McGee sniffing the rock.
My Chums
Sometimes dogs hang round with the grownups.
My Chums
This is Brooks too. All my chums have people who bring
 them to the park and take them home again.
My Chums
 This is a dog called Calypso who some people left
tied up and now he does not have a home. It would be good if he got a family.
ps. From Elizabeth.A friend is involved with Bobbi and the Strays. She was really touched by poor Calsypso aged about 8. A pure bred abandoned on Long Island.Just trying to get the word out!

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