My Dream Bathroom ....

Posted on the 17 August 2015 by Lemoncakeuk @lemonfancy
My bathroom is sad
its cold and uninviting
the tiles are boring
and just not exciting
The lino is lame
and marked and stained
and my ceiling has mould
and it makes me feel drained...
So I started to dream
about what I would do
if money was no object
I'd put in a loo
I'd have a whirlpool bath
and tiles that are on trend
lots of lovely storage
and not be driven 'round the U bend!
So Big Bathroom Shop have a comp
and you could win your dream
a bathroom to relax
and not make you want to scream!
It is in conjunction with
Tile Mountain too
So you can tile til your
hearts content
and brighten up your loo!
So as you can see this is my drab and sad bathroom....

Not up to much is it!
I had a good look around Big Bathroom Shop and made  pinterest board of my three favorite bathroom suites. Then I nipped over to Tile Mountain and found my top three tiles which would compliment my suite choices.
My favorite of the bath units would be this Milano Whirlpool corner bath - just brilliant for space saving and the ultimate in relaxation!

It would go with the wonderful Premier Sienna vanity unit toilet and basin, which is both stylish and practical for a smaller room!

You can have a look at my board here on Pinterest

As you can see any of my top choices would be an improvement, I would really love an upstairs loo too!
As I have a small bathroom using light and wall storage would be a must - large mirrors and corner/wall storage would allow the floor space to be kept free - this giving a larger room effect! I chose the black quartz stone tile and if I used grout of the same color it would give a bigger illusion to the room size!

I just love these 'oil slick' type Mosaic tiles and this color is just beautiful!
I also love peacocks and those greens would be my accessory colours like this:

I want to feel like this in my bathroom:

and not like this!

This is my entry to the and competition to win your dream bathroom! You can read all about it HERE!