My Favorite Apps

Posted on the 25 September 2013 by Lifeofasportswife @jessaolson
I love my iphone, but I really didn't download many apps until recently. Now, I can't stop myself. I counted one day, and had like 32 apps. Is that normal? I doubt it, but oh well. 

1. Instagram: I love instagram! I love looking at what everyone else is doing. I work indoors from 9-6 so I LOVE seeing what else is doing.  2. Twitter: Again another app I wish I could have on my desktop at work. This is where I get all my information. Also the great thing about Twitter is I can see blog post, photos, etc.  3. Pinterest: I am crafty. I love seeing what other people are doing whether it be crafts or fitness. I also have a secret obsession with being a fashion blogger. I wish every pin of "My Style" would go in my closet.  4. YouVersion: I LOVE that Lifechurch provides this for FREE!! I have gotten better in the past few weeks of checking YouVersion in the morning before checking my email or social media. 

5. Blogger: I have a love/hate relationship with blogger but I use it to write my posts when an idea comes to me. I really don't like using it when I want to post something. 

6. Michael's/Joann's/Hobby Lobby: I love to craft day with my friends. They have best coupons. The best thing is that Joann's accepts competitor coupons, so I save more. Makes the hubs very happy! 

7. My Fitness Pal: I'm trying to get in shape. Half the battle is watching what you eat. This helps me see what I am eating, and how much I am working out. Plus, you can encourage your friends.