Sneaking up on them...
I do love Mother's Day with the whispered plans and milky tea served with cuddles and hand-made cards.And the fact that I must make myself take the day off, all day, right up until the point when I realize there are no flat clothes for tomorrow.*
However, motherhood has brought other less expected bonuses:
- The moment you can share a proper belly laugh joke with a son or two.
- When your kids surprise you with an observation that teaches you something new.
- When they actually stop and pay attention to what you're saying. I mean really listen.
- An afternoon curled up in front of a movie because it's quality time.
- Lots of sweeties in the house.
- You have people who think you're the best no matter how you look and how crabby you are.
- Someone to take to the pictures.
- An excuse to enthusiastically rush to the latest theme park or museum opening.
- Science festivals and centres.
- Sledging.
- Singing cheesy pop songs very loudly.
- Conducting scientific experiments.
- Chalking roads on the floor.
- The satisfaction of teaching your children to come when you whistle or when they learn to make a good cup of coffee.
- Super squeezy cuddles that verge on violent.
Thanks boys.