My Feeding & Weaning Experience For HIPP Organic

Posted on the 04 February 2016 by Alex_bumptobaby @bumptobaby_blog
HIPP Organic have asked me to share my experiences of feeding & weaning and this is something that is rather fresh in my mind because whilst we're well past the weaning stage with Ehtan, it's something that Logan is going through right now. 

Logan started his weaning journey just before he turned six months old. I actually captured his first ever taste of something other than milk on camera. Ethan ended up falling in the bowl.. (somehow!), but asides from that it went really well. I think it's about using your inner Mummy instinct when it comes to knowing the right time to start the weaning process. The recommended age is six months, but some parents will start a little earlier than that if they feel their baby needs it. Personally I've never been one to turn my nose up at baby food jars, the ingredients all look nice and healthy to me and it can be so much easier. I actually used a lot of HIPP Organic's baby food jars when I started weaning both of my boys. I've now started to make some of my own baby food to give Logan a little variety when it comes to meal time since I'm raising him as vegetarian, but I tend to give one HIPP Organic jar and one home cooked meal a day for lunch and dinner. Weaning is such a messy stage, but I really enjoy giving Logan new foods to try and I like watching his face for any reactions. We're going through a really really fussy stage with Ethan at dinner times at the moment and it's so hard to get him to eat. But with Logan, despite the messiness, when I serve him up his dinner at least I know that he's going to eat it. Logan still has his bottles of milk, but he's now on follow on milk to go alongside his weaning. He tends to have a bottle first thing in the morning, then another at 2pm and another at 7pm before bed.HIPP's nutritionist Helen, advises that: Follow on milks are designed to complement the weaning diet while your baby is getting used to a variety of different tastes and textures.  They are higher in iron and vitamin D than standard infant formulas which can really be a help if baby is not eating many iron-containing foods and is therefore at greater risk of iron deficiency, and to help protect baby against becoming vitamin D deficient.

The feeding and weaning stage is messy, fun, important and a learning experience for both parent and baby. If you're breastfeeding and choose to move on to formula at six months or even if like me, you've formula fed the whole way, you can find all of the information you need to know about how much milk baby should be having alongside solids/weaning on the box of milk that you purchase.
Milks Disclaimer: The Department of Health recommends that you breastfeed your baby exclusively for the first six months of their life; at around six months you can start to  wean them on to solids and start to combine breastfeeding with bottle feeding. HiPP Organic understands that all babies are different and some mums might want to transfer to bottle feeding earlier than others. HiPP Organic would always advise that you speak to your midwife or health visitor before changing your feeding method. For more information on milks, please visit the HiPP Organic Website

  • HiPP Organic Follow-on-Milk includes the essential ingredients your baby needs including iron for cognitive development, vitamins A, C and D for the immune system and  PRÆBIOTIK® a source of allgosaccharldes
  • HiPP Organic follow-on-milk is an ideal complement to the weaning diet from 6 months onwards when moving from breast or infant milk feeding
  • HiPP Organic reusable milk storage box has a build in scoop holder in the lid and a scoop leveller inside
  • HiPP Organic has been researching breastmilk for over 50 years, you can rely on HiPP Organic to include the ingredients your baby needs to grow strong and healthy
  • 10 out of 10 mums who have changed to HiPP Organic follow-on-milk say their babies seem happier