My First NuffnangMY Win ✌

Posted on the 17 May 2013 by Kimeetay @Kimee_Tay

Okay lah. I initially want to slow down on my blog posts e.g. 1 post per day, but I just received some awesome news I gotta share it with the world. LOL.

Regarding my title above ☝☝☝☝☝ …

Just a few days ago, I joined 2 of NuffnangMY‘s contests to win invites to – Nuffnang Premiere Screening for the movie Pee Mak and/or Acer and Intel “PLAYsure Redefined” Party.

Why did I join this contests?

Nuffnang Premiere Screening – Pee Mak
The main reason why I wanted to watch this movie is cause MARIO MAURER is the main actor! Mario Maurer is a Thai-German model and actor. Starting off a career as a model at age 16, he later became best known for his lead role in the 2007 film, The Love of Siam and the 2010 sleeper hit, First Love / Crazy Little Thing Called Love.

hou leng zai hor… I actually got to know of this gorgeously amazing actor when I watched Crazy Little Thing Called Love. Up till today, I have only watch one of his movie which is Crazy Little Thing Called Love. It’s those kinda of movie that you can watch again and again without getting bored of it. Yea, and I cried the first time I watch it ಥ_ಥ You also sure cry wan! Haha. But second and third time I watch, didn’t cry any more cause I was mentally prepared. LOL.

He is actually in a lot more movies such as Suddenly It’s Magic, Friendship, 4 Romance etc but I haven’t got the chance to watch them yet. So yeah, Mario Maurer was the only reason why I wanted to watch Pee Mak.

Result : No invites to the Premiere Screening ಥ_ಥ

 Acer and Intel “PLAYsure Redefined” Party
NuffnangMY sent me an email regarding the contest. To be honest, I have been a Nuffnang member since last year (I think) but never once joined and of their contest. Reason being I stay in a hostel and I’m still studying. duh. Haha! But since I’m on 4 months break (make that 3 and a half months left), I thought I’d give it a shot. 

The contest is really easy to enter. In short, all you have to do is write a blog post on what you think about a Youtube video on the new Acer Aspire P3. If you missed out on my previous blog post, LOL, read it here. ッ I didn’t really write much actually, mostly straight to the point, with a Harry Potter gif to help me describe what I’m trying to express. Haha.

I wasn’t really expecting to win the invites to the party because I was thinking that there are many more individuals better than me! Until I received another email from NuffnangMY.

I usually almost never win anything when I join contests. So when I received this email, I was super duper hyped and happy. I told Jon the Bro but he just gave me that I-don’t-give-a-damn look. Sighs. Haha! Anyway, the event is at a night club so I’m not sure whether the rents would let me attend or not. And even if I’m allowed to go, I have to find myself a plus one.

With my own effort I won this so I really do hope I get to go!

Result : Happy kid ッ

Once again, I would like to thank NuffnangMY for the invites ッ Yea, and I really wish I could post Nuffnang ads on my WordPress blog which currently is impossible.