We had a wonderful surprise this weekend - my beloved niece, Lanie, came all the way from Harney County with her teammates from Burns High School to participate in a dance competition at Sheldon High School. She texted me the good news on Friday, and we could hardly stand the wait until we were able to see her on Saturday afternoon! The last time we saw her was over four years ago. Much, much too long... Unfortunately, I forgot to get a picture of her without her costume on, but you can still see how pretty she is - definitely the prettiest wolf I've ever seen!

She was the most popular dancer at the competition! Everyone wanted a picture with her... Can you blame them? She's always been a celebrity to me... I'm glad other people recognize how cool she is. Fun!

I hate to post this picture of myself, as I am looking rather haggard, but I think you can see how much I adore this girl. Brady and I worked all morning long and then rushed to Sheldon to see her perform. What can we say? It was worth the mad dash! And we were thrilled to be able to take her out to dinner afterwards - we had the best time ever catching up and just being with her! I told a few stories about her from when she was little, and on the way home, my little B's asked me to tell them even more. They know how much I love her, and in fact, it made them a bit insecure - Britt wanted to clarify if I loved THEM more than her and that THEY were my "real" babies... So cute! And Brailey said, "I don't know why I'm so weird. I couldn't wait to see her, and then when I did, I couldn't think of anything to say!" Sadly, life has dictated that they haven't spent much time with their cousin, but they know how important she is to me, and they love her, as well. And even more exciting, she is coming back to Eugene in April to run the Half-Marathon! She has been training all year long to run the race for her Senior Project. The 4 B's can't wait to cheer her on! She is an amazing girl, and always has been, from the moment she was born. She was a beautiful baby, the most adorable little girl, and now she is a gorgeous young lady... Where have the last seventeen-almost-eighteen years gone?