My Happiness Checklist #InternationalDayofHappiness

Posted on the 20 March 2015 by Vidyasury @vidyasury

I believe that Happiness is a DIY project and needs constant practice. Not difficult. But as with anything that looks simple, we need reminders to help us make it a habit.

It all starts with self-love and self-care, you know. When we take good care of ourselves, we are happier and in a better position to make others happy.

Celebrating International Day Of Happiness today, I am sharing how I invest in my happiness. I take out what I put in!


There I go again! But let's face it. If we don't focus on our own happiness, who will? I certainly know how my ever-growing too-much-to-do list brings up priorities and unless I manually write "happiness" at the top, it ain't happening! I work hard not to sabotage my own happiness. I DIY the 'eck out of it!

Making plans

Another of my favorite quotes " Fail to plan and you plan to fail" (I see my son smiling in my head). This applies to everything in life. So maybe I like to procrastinate go by my gut instincts but I usually have the big picture in view. I know for sure I want to be happy and I do what I can, and what's in my control to make it happen.

Setting goals

Happy goals I mean. While making my happiness plan, I use the same principle I use for work. Yes, happiness takes work! SMART expands to specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timed. I can't tweak and improve what I can't measure.

Doing what makes me happy

Eh, what? This may sound a little lame. Can you actually, voluntarily do what makes you unhappy? Of course! Honestly, how many of us actually remember to do it? I am learning to say no to what doesn't make me happy and focusing on the things that do. And I make it a point to tell anyone who'll listen.

Listing of what makes me happy

This is for those low-energy days when I need a strong pick-me-up. I have a list of the things that I enjoy doing, things that make me feel satisfied. This ties in with the planning part so I eliminate the energy-suckers that really won't matter in the long run. The final list? Positive stuff.

Making time to play

Consciously setting aside time to play is something I started doing recently. Life will always be hectic when we let it. Before we know it, the wave of busy-ness has washed us far from the happiness shore. I make it a point to have breakfast with my son watching the adorable Max and Ruby. I am ignoring the frowns over the preschooler TV + meals. We eat mindfully - mindful of our laughter and togetherness. We look forward to a happy day no matter what it brings.

Taking stock of my strengths

There used to be a time when I'd be self-deprecating when someone pointed out my talents. I've realized that's a stupid thing to do - pretty much like shrinking at a compliment. I now regularly revisit my strengths and in the process, also my shortcomings. This helps me be my best self.

Using my plus points

No greater example than my writing here - had I not recognized my ability to make it a vocation - oh let's not even go there. I know now that I can do a lot more than I thought I could and I am focusing on using my capabilities.

Being open to learning

If there's one thing I've learned, it is to be curious. Not inquisitive. There is a difference. I am always looking for ways to be happy.

Practicing an attitude of gratitude

Decades ago, my Mom and I were going through a particularly low phase. It was at that time she encouraged me to maintain a gratitude journal where I listed the things that made me happy, the things I was grateful for. I am guilty of being unwilling initially, but the progress was rapid. I never lost that habit. I learned to focus on what I have - not what I don't have. And if someone asks me "How are you", I can sincerely answer "Happy".

This week, I am grateful for:

My relationships

Having lost two very dear friends in a span of two weeks, I am holding those close to me even closer. I am focusing on the happy stuff. I am telling them I love them and looking for ways to create happy memories. I am grateful for my friends and family.

My coffee

I am grateful to enjoy my big mug of coffee every morning with my family. Every sip tastes delicious as I savor it with the voices of my husband and son in my ears. A truly sensorial experience and one I wouldn't exchange for anything.

Time with my son

Grade 12 exams are on and there are large gaps between these exams. This means more time with my son. I always enjoy his company and somehow these days seem more precious. We enjoy sharing memories of his childhood, talking about my Mom - his Grandma, discussing a variety of topics and trying recipes together. I am in Mom heaven.

My work

This week has been filled with work deadlines. I have been slower than I usually am, but nevertheless, getting there thanks to motivation from my son who can be a really pushy fellow when he wants to be. The day before yesterday, I was overwhelmed looking at my to-do list and in a fit of desperation, begged him to bully me the next day to make me stick to my schedule. He did. I am grateful for what I achieved as a result.

For what I have

It is summer where Iive and it is - HOT. I am grateful for the privilege of working from home. Where I can run for a quick shower (and get sterilized with the tap water), a snack when I need it, a cold treat from the fridge, shop online to avoid the outside heat, connect with my world via the internet and my phone. I am grateful for what I have.

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

I am grateful to Janine Ripper of Reflections from a Redhead for nominating me for this lovely award. Nothing tastes as delicious as peer recognition and appreciation! She asked some questions - and I promise to answer them in a couple of days!


I am grateful for the wonderful emails and messages I received when I felt low. I am honored that Janine and Mackenzie chose my post Did I smile today as their Friday Reflections Featured Writer last week.

And now...

My Happiness Checklist

I am celebrating Friday Reflections hosted by the lovely Janine Ripper and Mackenzie Glanville This week, I've blended two prompts to come up with my Happiness checklist and Gratitude list
  • Write about 5 things you are grateful for this week.
  • Reflect on a quote prompt: "The measure of who we are is what we do with what we have." Vince Lombardi
Do join me! P.S. Are you ready for the April A to Z Challenge theme Reveal blogfest on March 23, 2015?

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