My Holiday Break Predictions…

Posted on the 22 December 2014 by Martinisandminivans @martinisandmini

The children are out from school. Which means that I have to actually parent. What a bummer.

My predictions for the next two weeks:

– Someone will cry at least twice an hour. One of those people will be me.

– Someone will get sick from a casual trip to the children’s museum. Which then means I will.

– Someone will be in time-out every four to seven hours. I wish it were me.

– Someone will ask me for a snack every fifteen minutes. I will eat it along with them because I am weak.

– Someone will want to cuddle and wipe snot on various parts of my body. I will leave it there for hours.

– Someone will leave food in a spot that I won’t find for two weeks. I will wait for the ants to show me the way.

– Someone will be drinking massive amounts of alcohol on a nightly basis while finding stickers on her ass. Of course, that will be me.

– Someone will make me laugh every day. That’s what makes it all worth it.

Happiest holidays to all. And to all, lots of alcohol.