Anyway, onto higher thoughts! Like last year, I don't plan to make any New Year's resolutions as the (still recovering) perfectionist in me doesn't need to set myself any more hurdles. Rather, choosing guiding concepts suits me better. Last year, I chose ‘connecting’ and ‘being kind to myself’. How did I fare? Connecting in 2011
Holding my darling Dad's hand in hospital
Well, I made a good start to the year by properly connecting with some dear friends which was a joy. Then as Dad's health deteriorated, I switched my focus to spending time on connecting with him. Whilst those many hours by his hospital bedside were (mostly) distressing and wearing, I wouldn't take back a second of them. I am so grateful that shortly before he died, we had a couple of extremely lucid conversations when I was able to tell him exactly what I felt about him. So I feel great relief on that score.Being kind to myself in 2011Source
This was much trickier to realise. Sam starting daycare for 1 day a week coincided with Dad's first hospital stay so I tended to spend that day visiting Dad and running errands. Not much *relaxing* was had. Then a kind carer at his daycare suggested that he attend for another day, to match India. That was such a brilliant suggestion as I was trying to write Dad's eulogy by that stage and under enormous pressure. Having those extra 6 hours a week on my own helped lift the pressure a little and allowed me to finish the eulogy in time.As for getting to bed earlier, I have been very lax in that department and know that this year, I have to 'blog smarter' for my health which means shorter posts. High time for a 'bloggy rehab' update, methinks - don't you?!All up, though, I think I managed to be as kind to myself as circumstances allowed in 2011. And I'm grateful for that.
My hope for 2012: simplifying my life
This year, I'd like to focus on *simplifying my life*. Now at first blush, that sounds rather generalised and not a SMART goal.
However, thanks to the gorgeous and inspirational Deb over at Home Life Simplified, I'm joining in with her52 weeks to simplify your life challenge.
Why do I want to *simplify my life*?
Well, in Deb's post here, she posed the following questions:
Do you find yourself dealing with the same issues over and over again year after year?
Do you struggle to get your home organised?
Do you find your life is complicated and not following the path you intended?
Do you feel like someone else is directing the show?
Do you make 'resolutions' each January only to forget what they were by Valentine’s Day?I found myself nodding away. How about you?
Then she posted this ripper question which can be bought as a poster at mobijo's Etsy shop:
That was the clincher for me! Sometimes the bleeding obvious can seem so elusive, don't you find? And then eureka!
How will it work?
So, what's involved? Well, Deb has pledged to:
...share ideas, techniques, tips and challenge you to explore and make changes one week at a time – building on what we learn together as we go.
I am not an expert or guru, but have been down this road and feel I have a plan/idea for tackling this once and for all.
I would like to change with all of you rather than on my own and share what I have already learned.What form will the challenge take?Deb will:
- post every Monday on her blog with new information and a 'take action challenge'; and
- host a weekly linky to share updates on the previous week’s challenge (or whatever challenge you are up to).
This feels *right* for me, right now. I crave clarity. I want to make positive life changes.
Want some inspiration?If any of you are considering joining me in Deb's challenge, maybe these quotations from my Pinterest 'simplifying' board might persuade you.
This lady talks sense, I think.
Oh, this is so true!Source
I totally *get* this one.Source
Here's one for my fellow typography lovers. And I *adore* Henry David Thoreau!
And to end, this one really speaks to me.So tell me, are any of you keen to join me in Deb's challenge? Do any of these quotations appeal? Or have you chosen other goals or made resolutions for 2012? Do dive in and share - I'm all ears!