We as adults and all grown up think of ourselves much wiser and knowledgeable. But, when we have a look at the children, we get a reality check. There are many things we can adopt from them.
If there is one person we need to learn something from is –it’s that child in our house. Yes, my three year old kid has helped me learn many things. Actually, I already knew these simple lessons of life, it’s just they need to reminded and rein fused into our brains.
1. Forget and ForgiveEver noticed how kids manage to be happy? Some say it’s because they are too innocent. Some say it’s because they do not understand things? Others sat it’s because they forget too easily. Yes, that’s the mantra. My kid gets a bruise on his knee while running or goes to some other family member crying out loud when I get angry to him. All I have to get him smile back is a simple kiss or his favorite toy or divert his mind to something more interesting.If we as adults could also forget our tensions and worries with small things and more important, learn the art to forgive, live would be much simpler for us.
2. Laugh Out LoudMany times, we are discussing something and the room fills with laughter. The most prolonged laughter is always from my kid. Almost every time, he does not even know what we are laughing at. He is busy with his game, he sees us laughing and he laughs too! The child is not concerned what people would think about him. All he knows that he also needs to laugh too. If that sounds too over the top, try and smile at a child stranger to you: Chances are most likely you would get a smile in return!
3. Express YourselfChildren cry and laugh at the blink of eye. They cannot hide their emotions. The child would laugh if he is happy, he would cry if he is hurt, he would stay away if he is afraid and he would get angry if he does not like something. On the other hand, we so called adults think a thousand times before letting those feelings out. This is one trait I am trying to learn hard from my little prince. If there is something which is bothering me, all I have to do is tell that to someone!
4. Be CuriousThe curiosity of my kid and his innocent questions are one of the cutest attribute of my kid or I should say any child. We get him a new toy and the first thing he does is obviously jump with joy. Next, he becomes very impatient to know how to play with it. If it’s a car, how does it run, if it’s a toy plane, how does it fly. IF it does not fly, why dies it not fly?
People these days say that today’s kids are too smart. Specially our parents complain that they wonder how these 2 year old kids know to operate those smart phones when they do not understand them. Well, it’s a one word answer – Curiosity. Our parents often refuse to even try and learn the basic functionality of those smart phones. While my child, he is all active and alert when he comes to me asking me to undo or open something in my mobile he is not able to do so. He pays all his attention to what mommy is doing. After two-three trials, he does that himself!
5. Live Life Everyday
Last but not the least, all above lessons combine and form one most important one – ‘Every day is a fresh start”.
Didn't I tell in the beginning that Children are the brightest source of learning? Do you have a child at your home? What do you think can we learn from those tiny pieces of happiness?
This post is written in response to Indi Blogger Happy Hour - My Family My Pride