Diaries Magazine

My Klout Means I’m HOT!

Posted on the 17 April 2012 by Lildevilmama @lildevilmama

When I was busy with the world of on-line dating, there were these scary percentages next to everyone’s name on OKCupid. Why so scary? Because you answered a set of obviously leading questions and then from there some high-tech algorithm decided your percentage of compatibility. Lame.

Being the rebel that I am and always will be, I never paid those trivial little numbers things any mind. I dated without a percentage in my noggin! 52% Match? Sweet! Let’s cause havoc and not care!

Well as you kids get more and more into the world of fancy gizmos and shenanigans it appears that now Klout scores will be used to create matching awesomeness!  According the Klout Blog, they have teamed up with Tawkify.com to do an experment of ginormous dating proportions and the results were shocking…

“In a series of blind experiments (the thirty couples we matched were not told we were using their Klout Scores), we’ve found that Klout Scores will predict the brilliance or dullness of match—-and how quickly people will click.”

Brilliance? For serious? The thought is that your Klout score is a uber wicked cool indicator as to whether or not you suck as a person. People who manage their Klout are allegedly more sophisticated and witty and well just more fantastical in nature. So, it would make sense that using the your confusingly high Klout score to find your Knight-in-Shining-Wayfarers would make totes more sense than any other way. Duh.

Honestly, I have no clue how Klout figures out my score. It jumped like 12 points in the last month after I started doing crap with it. But, how do my categories that have clearly been added by The Boyfriend and +K-ed by ALL my friends who really know me…how is that going to show me down the road to Mister Right? I mean if I hadn’t already found him. Silly geese!

The truly hilarious thing is that once upon a time the Boyfriend and I were on a dating site at the same time and our percentage of matching was the highest of anyone we’d ever dared to date. Maybe there is something to it but I dunno how successful this whole Klout thing is gonna be in the future.

Read the whole blog post here and then let me know what y’all think!

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