My Little Operation: My Surgeon's Verdict

Posted on the 21 May 2012 by Jane @Jane_PlanetBaby


Warmest greetings from autumnal Hobart from A Certain Mother! I am two-finger-left-handed typing this with my poor paw (I love a good pun!) in a sling after My Little Operation this morning.
I'm just checking in to let you know my surgeon's verdict was that the surgery was a "technical triumph"! Given our mutual OCD tendencies, This Lawyer was very pleased with That Doctor. I could kiss his feet, actually!
There was a lot of internal swelling but otherwise, it was a straight-forward procedure.
Now the penny has (finally) dropped for Mr PB that I might be ever-so-slightly *incapacitated* for the next few days. So plans are (some might say 'belatedly') being hatched about transport and collection of the pixies from school and daycare by my knight-in-shining-armour father-in-law, bless his cotton socks.
We will see what transpires - cross your fingers for us! And thanks so much to you gorgeous Planetarians who have commented, emailed and texted your best wishes for my speedy recovery. You're the best supporters a girl could have!
Now time to get Mr PB help me get the pixies to bed and get my dinner before the school AGM starts in 10 minutes. That's a little too stressful for me at the moment...