In the midst of it all, I tried to spot some little brighteners around the house to lift my mood. Want a peek?
Ah Lovelies, I've had a *testing* day on Planet Baby. Mr PB * escaped* to work to leave me at home with all 3 pixies. Joshie has a terrible cold with a hacking cough so he stayed home from school. He was a model patient, dozing on and off on the couch, snuggled up in his doona and good-naturedly putting up with India and Sam's constant interruptions. Meanwhile, I watched the clock and duly administered him Nurofen at the prescribed intervals as well as plying him with water. I slowly succumbed to a thick head cold. India and Sam also have running taps attached to their noses so I am fast running out of clean handkerchiefs and tissues!
In the midst of it all, I tried to spot some little brighteners around the house to lift my mood. Want a peek?
Here are some jaunty jonquils and snowdrops from our garden. I just don't get it. It's the middle of winter! Why are they blooming now? Anyone know?!
These friends greet me when I walk into *my room of my own*. They never fail to raise a smile with their vibrant colours. The top print I bought on Etsy here. The middle two are favourite Pinterest snaps and the bottom is a fabric postcard of some Amsterdam canal houses I bought from Blue Jacaranda.
Huge-hearted Maureen popped this pretty German magazine in the post for me the other day. She knows how much I love reading German ones.
And she knew I'd love the crafty ideas using butterflies and stamps in this article.
Not to mention these vintage bobbins. *Sigh*. She knows me so well.
And to end, here's a present I've made from my Liberty stash for a sweet Planetarian I hope to introduce to you soon. You'll love her, I'm certain.
I'm off to see my hand surgeon tomorrow to see why I'm still getting hand pain after my operation. No doubt it will be something like 'overdoing it' - a tad tricky when I have the pixies to tend to ☺. I'll let you know the lowdown, promise!
In the midst of it all, I tried to spot some little brighteners around the house to lift my mood. Want a peek?