My Morning Date.

Posted on the 08 February 2012 by Scarlettandstephen

It had been way too long since I had gone there, to that spot that seems to cleanse my soul everytime I visit. As much as I always say I could never move away from being close to the beach, I definitely don’t visit as often I should.

But I knew it was time again to visit. It was something I used to do quite often as a single girl, get up around sunrise, and drive across the Intracoastal and go do my quiet time with the Lord on the beach. There’s something about sitting in front of His vast ocean that always puts things back into perspective how big God really is, and how small my worries truly are. But now as a wife, I haven’t returned to my usual spot not even once. People were right when they said married life changes you.

I finally had enough of making excuses.  I knew I really needed a morning date with my first True Love.  And as tired as I was, I drug myself out of bed a few hours earlier than I usually get up. I had already let the Lord down so many times choosing to stay under the warm covers. But as tired as I was, I was tired of broken promises. So I got up, drank my hot tea, bundled up, grabbed  a blanket and my bible, new bible study, and prayer journal, and opened the garage door. Great, it was super overcast with what looked like could possibly drizzle on my morning date. But I didn’t care. Afterall there’s a song about praising God in the storm, right?

I drove across the bridge that I was once started AND finished a marathon just 2 years before. How did I ever find the strength to accomplish that? Where did that strength go? Where did that discipline to train go? Where did that winning spirit go? Though the scenery was the same, my spirit felt like anything but a champion now 2 years later.

I got to the beach and there was barely a soul in sight minus a few people walking their dogs. It was cold and gray and dreary but I couldn’t help but think that’s how my life felt at the moment and that’s why I was out there in the first place.

Then my friend joined me. Beth Moore. It was only through her written word, but yet she always seems to know what right thing to say that pierces and heals my heart. She is truly gifted in not just preaching to women through her Bible studies but in sympathizing that we’re all one big mess deep down really. But yet reminding us that by the grace of God we are all still loved and cherished and adored by a Heavenly Father so wonderful and gracious and caring.

As I was on my blanket glancing up from my Bible in my lap, I saw in the distance there was a man with his metal detector scouring the sand. I wondered what really was he looking for? Something specific? Something in general? Not really a clue what he might find but whatever he might find would be worth his time and effort to come out to the beach and look? I couldn’t help but feel like I was sitting with a metal detector in my lap. I wasn’t sure what I was looking to find, but I knew God’s word had answers. And despite the chilly breeze and gray skies, I was glad I had finally drug myself out of bed to start my own search.

And here’s my friend Beth Moore inviting you to the study in the picture above about the book of James called Mercy Triumphs.  I know a lot of churches across the nation are offering it, I highly recommend it!  :-)