Self Expression Magazine

My Name is Sassarella Aka "The Happiest Zinzi Girl in the World"

Posted on the 07 December 2011 by Sassarella Says @cnigara
It's that time again, the time when I get to brag about all of the fabulous things I've done in the last month that you haven't (unless you were doing it with me, of course). To start, let's look back at the predictions I made a few weeks ago and see how many actually happened.
My name is Sassarella aka
Like I said I would, in the last month I saw The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part I with Brittany and Sophie. I'm pretty sure we ate more popcorn than anyone else, "lay off me I'm STARVING," giggled during the love scenes, and sang the songs out loud. And I kid you not, B was crying within the first minute of the movie. She had good reason though and I will call myself out on this one...I had very little expectation of liking the movie at all but boy was I wrong. There were moments when I was literally on the edge of my seat with my hands on my face in anticipation. It was uhh-mazing so go see it!
My name is Sassarella aka
Like I said I would, in the last month I saw Avicii for the second time at the DC Armory. We kicked off the night at Number Nine decked out in neon. Chachi made me a to-go box of bar pretzels that saved my night (and my life), and Brittany's handy dandy pink string bag smuggled in some extra liquor! Avicii was phenomenal, as expected, and I was actually sore from dancing so much. We left the concert, spoke french on the metro, and headed over to Town Danceboutique for another round of singing and dancing!
Like I said I would, in the last month I went home to New Jersey. I spontaneously met my best friend at Sona for a serious catch-up sesh. I put my butt on Mark Sanchez's car in Morristown. I had pizza at Tomato Pie. I saw Dan! I saw gym crush solo y uno and realized he's just not that hot. I embarrassed a guy who told me that I can't drink whiskey, nor could I do it without making a face. He told me to take a sip of his Jack but instead I finished off his drink in one swig and handed him back the empty glass with a smile on my pretty little face. I watched my mom call out my ex-boyfriend at our annual "the day after Thanksgiving party" by introducing him to our family friends as "the TG, yes the one you used to hear about all the time and if you don't remember, read the blog!" It was hysterical and he loved it. I took part in a sob fest at the end of that party among all the women. I had to leave early to head back to DC and one by one we all started to cry while hugging, laughing at ourselves, and saying buh bye.
My name is Sassarella aka
Like I said I would, in the last month I got a part-time sales job with Savored. Haven't started yet though, hence the complete lack of details or enthusiasm.
Like I said I would, I bought another month of unlimited yoga. I made friends with the really tall guy who takes the same schedule of classes as I do. We were next to each other in a ridiculously hard and packed class. You know when you're working your body so hard that it's funny? Well we started laughing with each other when we both let out a hard working grunt. WHEEL POSE, ready go! "I don't wanna." ... "Hahaha me either!"
Like I said I would, in the last month I got over a boy. I still haven't met a man but that's neither here nor there. I had the a-ha moment and I'm more relieved than ever! I also crushed on a Georgetown boy and he asked for my digits. #robbingthecraddle
My name is Sassarella aka
And like I said I would, I had the most epic night at the Zinzi Ball. I could not believe how happy I was from start to finish. It was easily one of the most fun nights of my entire life. From the moment we walked into the lobby and started arguing with the front desk, our friends poured into the hotel. We got up to our room, saw that we had a balcony, and jumped up and down, cackling and giggling like school girls in excitement! "We're here!! It's Zinzi!!! And we have a balcony!!" Too bad the door to the balcony wouldn't open but whatever. I won the unofficial "check list" contest because I actually brought everything I needed, unlike someone. Brittany, were you on something when you packed your bag? "They were late adds! Back off, ya dumb c-word." We continued to get ready in anticipation for the night of our lives. Holding her boobs, "Are you guys going to fall out? Please don't." And they didn't! I had a permanent smile on my face as I said hello to all of my favorite people dressed up looking fabulous in the same room at the same time. We took shots, snapped pictures, and danced like crazy! The 24-hour period starting on Sunday night that continued into Monday night was surreal. IS THIS REAL LIFE?! We kidnapped Rosie and headed to the Pint where the only cure for what ails you is Grand Marnier!
My name is Sassarella aka
And now onto what I did not predict but had the pleasure of doing in the last month!
In the last month I stayed in on a Saturday night for the first time since before Labor Day. #sorryforpartying
In the last month I spent a few fabulous Sunday Fundays at N.C. Fred Amuurrrica and at Fred's Four Loko Freakout. Ya just never know what you're going to find when you show up to Sign of the Whale on a Sunday night but quoting Ocean's 11, Bridesmaids, and seeing Fred dance are all things that I enjoy. And although staying after hours is completely unnecessary Gus put it well, "Since we all just threw an absurd amount of money at you, how about you get us another round, Fred?" That's if he's not too busy having a Four Loko freakout dancing and playing DJ.
In the last month I lost my favorite gold chain necklace that I wear all the time. I took "family shots" at McFadden's. I went to Gold's Gym and took the worst zumba class ever with Brittany. Too much pelvis thrusting, it was very hoochie. I also walked by the man I'm going to marry. What is with my thing for trainers?! In the last month I dyed Brittany's hair and we decided that we're quitting it all and opening up a hair salon. In the last month while walking to yoga, I heard my name being called by what sounded like a megaphone, "Christieeee!" I looked around, very confused, and saw my police friend sitting in his cop car, calling my name for the whole street to hear. In the last month, I finally got sassy with a customer who had it coming for weeks! And I got a lesson in love from Rachid...supposedly Brittany has to "control her heart!"
Sassarella like a rockstar, so basically, just like me :-)My name is Sassarella aka

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