My People,

Posted on the 28 February 2014 by Lizb12 @elizabethbrinks
good People! Hah, the Whole wEird cApitalIzation thIng makes iT harD to tyPe. okay, I'm good :P Writing, writing writing, I'm literally thinking in poetry-and I'm on fire right now: so you're saying, "Wow, Liz must be almost done with her book then!" Bahahahahaha! Oh, that wasn't....a joke. righto. Moving on! Theme of today: Irony If you've seen me on Figment (I'm now an official Figgie, hold thine applause dear follower of mine) then you've most likely seen my recent poem about Irony. I see Irony as when people defy the labels around them, like those French kids that don't have ADHD. Like, wow! Or those people so medicated they make everything awkward when they start trying to have a conversation, is that even living? How far are we supposed to go, to live "normally". If you have cancer, I can understand normal. But if you're normal, goodness-you act like you have cancer and you want everyone to know! Soooooooooo....... *choo choo train of thought just left* New Theme Because-I-Just-lost-the-other-one: Gossip/Drama Whew! Take out your dew-rags, tie 'em tight round your forehead, and get ready to do some heavy lifting! We need to bench some labels off of some people today: Top 5 labels people ar eokay with, and they shouldn't be: 5. Negativity, if you're a Pessimist, you suck. Making people's lives more depressed is something our world does not need. I can understand if it comes naturally, but if you're an actual social anchor, pulling your friends into the murky depths of Ursula's lair and you're planning on stealing their voices for your own personal gain that's-wow! That's a movie plot, okay! Hey, being negative, makes others negative, and I mean it-fix it or ditch it, if being a Pessimist is something you think is okay, meet Dr. Seuss, he doesn't think so. 4. Clingy. Let me straighten this one out with some ironing: Being a clingy person means you're dependent on someone else to make all your decisions for you, you need to talk to them three to four times a day and whenever a problem arises between you and the shoe you're stuck on, (you piece of gum, you!) the world has ended, and you're going home "sick" to sob all over Facebook. That's being clingy, and we can now all see why it's a problem, moving on! 3.Depressed. Yes, depressed is different from negativity. Being labeled as depressed makes you depressed. This is not the same as actually being depressed. I am depressed, but I don't claim it as a label, it's a *fact* I have embraced and am working to kick it's butt. Labeling yourself as depressed only allow for the depressions to grow and fester in your mind, yeesh. No good stuff coming that way, I can assure you. 2. Angry/ $KJ;GDSAJKB%^##!@#!@#%$^&*^&*(& PEOPLE!!! oookkkkaaayyyy. We all know that one person that's always raging about something, usually it's a someone though, just saying. Dude, being a rager might be cool and all in your little raving mind, but literally taking everything so personally you want to kill people if they comment on your socks like, goodness! Back off! Being a rager makes everyone else frustrated and tired. 1. Supportive. I know we've talked about some pretty terrible personality attributes, and this one isn't, I know. It's because I am supportive. Being supportive means people have an easy time bringing you their problems, and you don't  mind hearing them. (or maybe you do, but in that case you're not supportive, you're a turd-go pick a different label) You have advice, but sometimes you've just dealt with some hefty problems of you're own, and you draw people to you naturally, who have experienced or are experiencing something similar. Or maybe not at all. But you care, and caring is the greatest label you could ever embrace. Being supportive gives you a strong, confident label among your peers, highlighting you as a "peer counselor" among your friends, or even just peers around you. They see you, maybe don't respect you, bu they know you, and the "you" that you are, is someone they can talk to. That label's okay. God bless ya'll, LizB