My Perfect Lady Day

Posted on the 02 September 2015 by Lifeofasportswife @jessaolson
Brave Love Blog I am participating in Bailey's #BlogtemberChallenge. If you want to participate visit her blog here. Today's prompt is my ideal day. 
As my husband would call it "Perfect Lady Day" from The League. If you haven't seen this show you should get Netflix and watch it.

The day would probably start off sleeping in which will be around 8am. (Thanks Heisman.) If I had to stay inside then I would be crafty-sewing, crocheting, and knitting. If the husband isn't home then I would have Law & Order on in the background. (He isn't a big fan.) I have so many things pinned that I would like to do just for fun, to wear, or for the house. I haven't always been crafty or wanted to be crafty but it is something that I have enjoyed here lately. If it's nice outside then I would be outside preferably in the water. I love swimming and kayaking. It has been a while since we have done that.

 What is your ideal day?