Posted on the 11 June 2013 by Ourbabyblog
Aside from blogging, my other passion is Photography, I actually started taking photos when I was about 9, I began to notice how different lighting changes a picture, how getting close up creates depth of field and how turning the flash off makes the world of difference! So off I went one day to Colchester Zoo, with my little Kodak and a load of animals waiting, once I'd uploaded the photos to the computer and looked at them, I knew I wanted to be a photographer, I took 2 pretty awesome photos if I may say so myself, one of a penguin and one of a lion, my mom was super impressed too! Cutting a long story short, I studied photography at college but honestly i didn't feel as though it was benefiting me in any way, not that I was a know it all but as I'd had 8 years experience of just learning as I went, I passed my little course with flying colours though and since then I've been featured in The Telegraph Blogs 4 times for best picture! And have received over 2 million hits on my previous website! Here is a collection of my personal top photos :) enjoy!