You do not want to create a product that is already in every corner and every shop. Think out of the boxand either create something brand new, or improve on an already existing product. You can only do thisby knowing the need in your community. I found out the need for Shea butter in my community by needing it myself. I buy my raw Shea butter from Cameroon (my home country) whenever I go on vacation because there are no retailers of raw shea butter in my town. Infact it is very difficult to find raw Shea butter locally, in South Africa. They do not grow the plant in this region hence raw Shea butter is not easily found. One has to order from external retailers abroad to get Shea butter. Once people found out that I somehow have and use shea butter, they started asking me to buy for them when I go back home for vacation. The light bulb switched on, and I realised the need. Many girls in my community are going natural, are natural or just want to better care for their hair. Shea butter is also gaining popularity in South Africa because people are starting to realize how truly excellent it is for hair. In addition, the want for Shea butter is being fueled by the fact that most hair bloggers and Youtubers use Shea Butter. So ask yourself, what is the need in your community, school, and neighbourhood?Figure it out and you’re ready for the next step.
I am all about natural hair, ladies embracing their kinks and taking good care of their hair. Long gone are those days when we were told our nappy hair is ugly. And so the passion for my product comes naturally (naturally….get it?). Infact I’m here for anything that will uplift a fellow woman. Whether she is relaxed, natural or bald. It really doesn’t matter, so long as I can somehow partake in her empowerment, I’m good. And so creating a product that I know is needed and will help women have healthier stronger hair was a no brainer. You need to have passion for your product, because passion drives reason. If there is no passion, you’ll eventually burn out and see no reason for creating it in the first place.3. IS THERE A MARKET FOR YOUR PRODUCT?Very Important! If there is no market then who are you creating the product for? Yourself and maybe your roommate? I don’t mean market as in a physical market, I mean customers. Which goes back to the first question (The need). If there was a need for your product then there will definitely be customers. No need, no customers. I created a list of all the ladies who asked me to buy them Shea butter from home, as well as ones I knew will also be interested. Many girls/women in my community are on the same natural hair journey as me and know about Shea butter. Others just see my hair and ask me what I use and ask to have some Shea butter too. So once the product was created, I was confident it will be bought.
5. TIME TO CREATE AND BRAND YOUR SAMPLE!Take your time to decide on the best way to package, label and produce your product. All my products are mixed by me at home. I take my time to make sure each batch is as good as the last one. If you have enough start-up capital, you can present what you want to a professional production company for your specific product. Otherwise if you’re starting small like me you can always make it at home. My brand is “The Curly Christian Girl”, soon to be changed to my name “Joan Akob”. I initially thought it would be a great idea to connect my product to my blog because that’s where my love for hair care grew. But I came to the conclusion that I want to be identified by my name and not my blog name. Because I envision getting involved in other things that may not necessarily be about hair care. So keeping the brand name “The Curly Christian Girl” may hinder me in that way. So that’s one thing I need to sort out.
Be open to suggestions from customers on how you can improve your product. You don’t want to stay at the same level, so listen, learn and grow. Keeping a list (names and phone numbers) of your customers will not only help you determine approximately how much to produce, but it’ll provide a means of communication. You will be able to easily advertise anything related to your brand, such as a new addition to your product line, or maybe a product expo/demonstration event.
These are my 8 tips/steps to creating and launching your own product! I do hope they were helpful. Do let me know. And I’ll also like to know if you’ve ever created your own product or if you’re thinking of doing so. And if you have more tips, feel free to add them in the comments below! Happy “Producting”Joan Akob.