My Secret Dream of Being a Fly Girl…

Posted on the 16 August 2013 by Martinisandminivans @martinisandmini

my actual playlist

Most days I like to think of myself as a tough little feminist. However, something happens to me when I’m in the car by myself or in the shower for those few fleeting moments. It’s something I like to call “The Fly Girl Phenomenon”.  What is it, you ask?

It’s the part of me that throws away all feminist ideas and notions and starts dancing and singing to wildly offensive and inappropriate music – especially music geared towards demeaning women.

Take, for instance, Robin Thicke’s latest one – Blurred Lines. Oh my word. You would think I was J Lo from her days as a pelvic-thrusting Fly Girl on Living Color when that song comes on.

Or Candyshop by 50 Cent. It’s so, so wrong. Yet, I can’t seem to pull myself away from playing it in my minivan when I go to the grocery store by myself. I’m sure I make for a very entertaining sight for the cars next to me. A mother without kids yet still in sweats and a ponytail biting her lip and rocking her head as if she thought she was driving with rims or something.

The sad thing is that my list could go on even longer.

Eminem’s Crazy In Love

Snoop Doggy Dog’s Gin and Juice

Any song every sung by Prince

I have a problem, I know. I wonder if there’s a 12 step program for suburban white girls who think they secretly have a Fly Girl trapped inside of them…