My Secret Toast

Posted on the 20 June 2013 by Rarasaur @rarasaur

To the sister of my heart–

Most people would be baffled by my wishes for you, but you’ll understand because our brains share a blueprint of curves, twists, and spontaneous Vaudeville theater.

Publicly, I’m sending you into married life with Hallmark platitudes for harmony, adventure, wealth, perfect hair, and a home that could be featured in a magazine.

But, just between us, I see your future a little differently.

I envision you, sitting in a messy living room, filled with books and laughter and children.

From FreePeople Blog, Sun Tea Pictures and Recipe

From FreePeople Blog, Sun Tea Pictures and Recipe

Sun-tea is brewing on your front porch, next to fresh herbs and an orange ukulele.  Your son watches the tea’s transformation with infinite questions shining in his eyes.  You could afford tea from a cafe, but you make it this way because you are free to do so.  Your son could learn about tea from a book, but he won’t because he’s like you.  He touches, and smells and listens– and all that observation builds a deep, guttural understanding of the world.

The carpet doesn’t match the couch, or the coffee table– but it is well-made, solid furniture.  It is the type of table you can climb on when you are painting clouds on the ceiling.  It is the type of couch that lulls visiting friends from around the world into the warm comfort of sleep.  It is the type of carpet that tickles your bare feet as you dance across it to television jingles.

In the future I see, your hair is lightened imperfectly, kissed by the sun.  It’s tossled, from the loving hands of family members who find peace in it.  Your skin is wrinkled from all the laughing and freckled from your days sleeping outside in your hammock. You are not model perfect, like you could be, but you shine with beauty.

The beauty that matters to people like us.

In the future I see, sometimes you fight with your husband.

He’ll be smiling inside, even in the face of your rare fits of temper, because even when raised, your voice fills any reasonable soul with joy.  It is a strong voice, a balanced voice, and one that has never been ashamed to speak up.

You two are destined to find differences and bound to make missteps, but your voice, your faith, and your family will see you through anything.

If those things aren’t enough, for whatever reason, no matter how senselessly simple the problem, you can always call on me.  My faith in you is an endless well and you can draw upon it any time you choose.

I’m supposed to wish you a future of adventure, but we both know that marriage is just a pit-stop in the course of yours– not the starting point.

Instead, I’ll wish that the landscape of your husband’s story adds wonders and dimensions to yours.

May you continue to embrace life and share your voice with the world.
May your husband lighten your hardships and expand your adventures.
May you be gifted with all the unconventional beauty you desire.

And, of course, may we always continue to find a magical tea party waiting for us where our paths intersect.

Much love to you, on your special day and forever more,