My Semi-slow Life Week

Posted on the 19 September 2015 by Ninabille @ThoughtsImages

 An unhurried sense of time is in itself a form of wealth.
Bonnie Freidman

The hurried can become unhurried. But it will not happen by trying alone, nor will it happen instantly. You will have to enter a life of training.
John Ortberg

When the days at work are intense - being fully attentive, forming quick overviews of situations, making decisions on how to proceed & handle the best possible ways, guiding & supporting co-workers - 
The evenings at home are calling for slow life: Time with just family, activating the senses with baking, cooking, walks in the nature:

... Feeling the dough in your fingers, smelling the spices, tasting the sweet and sour blend of chili, onions and lime  
... Inhaling the soft, humid air by the lake, sensing the forest moss under your feet, and seeing the sky turn orange, yellow and red before the sunset

... Closing my eyes and listening to the accentuating melody, as the fingers of our older son are following the notes, flying on the keys of the piano, and creating an atmosphere of a safe haven and homecoming
... Keeping the phone on silent mode, keeping a break from e-mail, internet, social media

These little things made my week semi-slow in a fine way - The peacefulness and just being in the present moment with the familiar, daily chores at home - and consciously shielding other things away (phone on silent mode etc.) balanced positively the intensity at the work this week.

What helps you slow down, in a period that is somehow busy and demanding?

Wishing you a peaceful weekend,
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Photos: Nikon D3200 - Lightroom preset kk_Still by Kim Klassen