My Top 10 Movies of 2013

Posted on the 26 November 2013 by Dale Cotton @kiriyama_23

Here is a list of my top 10 movies of 2013 so far. I like to make lists reason I think I'm important in my head when I do. When people actually get round to reading this blog I'd love to know your top 10 of the year. (Bear in mind these are movies I have actually seen this year not just a list of the best movies of the year taken from the internet to make me look cool, I do that all by myself, and yeah I need to get to the cinema more.)

10. The Hangover - Part 3

Probably the worst of the three films in the Hangover francise but fun non the less and in some way ties up the trilogy. The best bit is during the credits though, and leaves it open for a fourth, go figure.

9. Man of Steel

While a very good visual manifestation of a Superman movie the dark story tones attached kind of kill it a little and is why it ranks so low on my list. I'm probably one of the only people ok with him killing, but we need more kiddy less adult please!

8. Fast and Furious 6

I'm a sucker for the Fast and Furious franchise and have been since the first one. It's just a fun, thrill ride and if you suspend your disbelief and just say oooh at every action set piece it works just fine. Also massively excited for the 7th film due hugely to the end credit sequence.

7. Iron Man 3

The first of the 2 yearly Marvel releases on my chart and while it is a solid movie in the franchise it goes toe to toe with Iron Man 2 as the worst in the Marvel universe. This is mainly due to the fact it should have been called neurotic Tony Stark man as he spends the majority out of the suit having panic attacks. Also way to ruin the Manadarin. The films position is purely down to my love of Marvel and Downey Jr. as Tony Stark. Rant Over.

6. This is the End

Funniest film of the year hands down and strangely the only comedy on the list (if you don't count number 5 as a comedy). The cameos from a huge part of Hollywood works really well in this End of the World flick along with the great performances from it's cast. Most notable are Jonah Hill (especially when possessed), Danny McBride (playing a arsehole as usual) and the small but movie stealing show from Michael Cera as the most narcissistic, ego maniacal person in existence is a great watch.

5. Wreck it Ralph

Yes I managed to get a kids film into this chart and I'm pretty sure if I'd seen Monster University it would have been also. Wreck it Ralph is like taking a trip back to my childhood and for me was like playing name the video game character with many cameos from gaming stars of yester year. Along with this it also stands up well as a story and in true Disney fashion delivers a message for everyone about feeling like an outsider and how important friends are.

4. Pacific Rim

Again another movie to send me back to my childhood, this time it was my love of giant robots fighting giant monsters, which I'm happy to say has not diminished in my older years. While this movie had some glaring problems mostly down to poor character development and feeling like a big chunk of story was missing, it still holds up as the funnest blockbuster of the year and my god its visually brilliant. I'm going to steal a quote from Honest Trailers on youtube which sums it up well, 'its either the most awesome, dumb movie ever made or the dumbest, awesome movie ever made' which pretty much nails it.

3. Thor: The Dark World

If this list was purely down to my fan boy urges then Thor: The Dark World would be number 1. Better than the original which is no mean feat and in my opinion the best of the stand alone Marvel films so far. This is always helped by great performances from not only Chris Hemsworth but another stellar showing from Tom Hiddlestone and I for one will sign any petition or do what ever sit in needed to get Loki his own movie. The action is brilliant, the story emotive (I did tear up when Loki "died") in all my favourite movie of the year even if it was slightly bumped into number 3.

2. Star Trek into Darkness

A worthy number 2 and the best blockbuster of the year. While this film split opinion and many say its just a rehash of Wrath of Khan these points didn't diminish its quality at all. A very engaging story, visually brilliant and well directed again by J.J. Abrahams. Also great performances from Zachary Quinto as Spock who is a total bad ass and Benedict Cumberbatch always brings his A game. When my eyes finally adjusted to the constant lense flare (a commonly used joke for these films but none the less true) I was able to enjoy a very good movie.

1. Prisoners

A surprising number 1 but also a very worthy one. When I originally saw the trailer for this movie I could instantly see it's potential, but was also wary of it trying to be too gritty or boring to put it bluntly. While it had gritty elements it felt like a Hollywood film and was in no way boring, also the performances of its two leads Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal are brilliant. If either or both of these two aren't at least nominated for an Oscar then there's something wrong. Its a well written thriller and while I worked out the twist quite early, I'm like that and constantly ruin endings for myself. With that said the ending worked well and its abruptness much in a No Country for Old Men style, while annoying the casual viewer, worked perfectly for me on the overall.