My TV Guilty Pleasures

Posted on the 30 September 2015 by Sparklesandstretchmarks @raine_fairy
After a long and busy day running around after two little ones, my head is often filled with endless ideas of how I'll spend my evenings...
I'll do some baking for tomorrow, I'll do some Christmas planning, I'll read that book I've been meaning to start, and so on and so forth...
But so many of these things feel as though they require just a little too much effort after a busy day, and instead I find myself sitting on the sofa flicking through the TV channels...
I have to admit that I've always had a bit of a thing for trashy TV, and its definitely become much worse since having kids...don't get me wrong I still really enjoy a good documentary, but sometimes I just want to watch something easy - something I don't need to think about, something that will just entertain me easily with little to no input from me!
These are my top 5 TV guilty pleasures!

Strictly Come Dancing

There's just something about all the glitz and the glamour of it that takes me away from the mundane everyday-ness of life and throws me head first into the way my "weekends" look since becoming a mom - now that nights out and razmatazz are long behind me the closest I come is drooling over the gorgeous ballgowns and watching the chemistry develop between the contestants on this show!
I love watching how far they all come over the course of the series, and I love rooting for the underdog - I'm so excited about the new series! It's too soon to say who's going to well yet but I have my eye on Peter Andre of course!
I've just taken Which Bingo's quiz on How well I know strictly and did embarrassingly well - you can take the quiz yourself here
Keeping Up With The Kardashians

I just can't help myself with this family - I don't know what it is but they draw me in!
I started watching the show way back when it first started, what, 10 years ago or so?! And although I don't watch religiously, I do flick over to E! whenever I`m bored and you can almost guarantee that its either E! News or an episode of the Kardashians showing so i`m almost guaranteed to be kept entertained either way!
This evening I found myself struck with boredom again, so I flicked over and caught the latest episode of the new season - it had been MONTHS since I last watched but just one episode and I`m hooked all over again, and have set myself up a series record link so I don't miss any future episodes! Sad much?!
The X Factor

I told myself I wasn't going to watch The X Factor this year after they got rid of my lovely Louis Walsh - but I tell myself that I won't watch every year and every year I do!
I don't know why I get so easily sucked in, I hate it really and spend the entire episode slagging off the judges and everything they say, complaining about the lack of talent and how all the wrong people go through - but somehow I still end up watching every week?!
I really love it when the live shows start as that means the Christmas Countdown is well & truly on, and that gets me super excited!
Celebrity Big Brother

This is quite a recent one for me, as I hadn't watched any of Big Brother since it left Channel 4 which was quite a while ago now - but earlier this year I got drawn into the celebrity big brother series with motor mouth Katie Hopkins and ended up completely sucked back in!
I've just finished watching the latest series and oh how I loved to hate Farrah Abraham and Jenna Jameson and all of their antics! I was so glad to see James win though, he seemed like such a genuine guy.
What are your TV guilty pleasures?!
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