Extra monitoring begins
At the 32 week scan we discovered one of the twins, Twin 1, wasn't growing as quickly as Twin 2 which the consultant got a bit concerned about and meant I had to have steroids to mature the babies lungs in case they needed to be delivered early. I was told I would need weekly observations from now on. Space was getting limited by the looks of it and twin 1 was the most restricted.33 weeks and looking promising
At 33 weeks they did the Doppler and blood flow checks and while the babies were both still growing, twin 1 was still a bit smaller but overall the readings were fine.34 weeks and it's getting crowded in there
On Tuesday I had a 34 week scan but due to the twin 1's position, with his / her head wedged way down so low, it was hard to get any measurements at all but it looked like there was a reduction in liquid around twin 1. Their weights were estimated at 4lbs for twin 1 and 5.5lbs for twin 2.The consultant was worried though and said I would need another scan two days later, on Thursday to reassess things and that she would then decide on a date for delivery but we were looking at 36 or 37 weeks and she would get something provisionally booked.
Plans suddenly change
When we got to the hospital on Thursday, I had to go to the Fetal Assessment Unit where they put a trace on the babies heartbeats and everything was fine.Unfortunately the scanning department were on an academic half day so I was told to come back later that day for the scan.
When I was finally scanned, I honestly thought everything was positive and we would get to at least 36, maybe even 37 weeks. Ok, the fluid was still lower on Twin 1 and blood flow not perfect but they were within the ranges of normal, although at the edge of the range. I was definitely not expecting to be told I would need to have a c-section the next day (today).
Scared, worried, not ready
I'm gutted, I'm scared that the babies will be in the SCBU for weeks as I was told to be prepared for them to have to stay in until 40 weeks which would be May 24th. I can't stand the thought of having to leave them behind and go home without them. I want to breastfeed them and I'm worried about how that's all going to work out. I'm dreading leaving Ben, although relieved his Nana from Ireland flew over straight away to be here to mind him. There are so many things running through my mind.Staying positive (or trying to)
I'll be the first to admit that his pregnancy has been hard, my body is swollen and sore but I would give anything to keep the twins in another couple of weeks so they could grow and mature a bit more. It's not to be though, so now I have to think positive and look forward to meeting my little babies later today and of course finding out their genders.So watch this space, there will be an announcement later and please say a little prayer all will go ok. In the meantime I leave you with my last bump shot.