My Valentine Wish for the World

Posted on the 12 February 2012 by Singleblogger @RachelPRicucci

Does your life have a sense of balance? What do you want out of life?
My Valentine wish to release out to the world is that you do...that you know what you want and can stay true to it.
There are so many people who toss away relationships...children...marriages...they just don't seem to want or care for them anymore. Who twisted their arm in the first place? Sometimes you have to wonder...
By the same token, there are so many people out there wanting relationships, marriages, and children who may never have them and who would be great at both relationships and parenting. Let's tip the scales in their favor...let's hope the ones who can't do it improve or get out of the business of marriage, parenting or romantic relationships - fast.
Sometimes you also have to wonder why there is such a demand for married women these days...I bring this up because I'm in the "world of dating" quite often and observe this trend repeatedly. I'm certainly not trying to put down our male friends out there. But, I just don't understand why people can't keep to their vows that they sincerely took in front of friends, family and a sacred God? What happened? I find this mind smacks of "I don't want any sense of responsibility whatsoever."
While this kind of strife was always going on in the world, I hope you can rise above it. If you know of someone going through it, lend a hand and help make it a better and more tolerable place to live in. Spread acts of kindness around when you can. Be the "somewhat" nosy neighbor who just might make a difference. Show your neighbors that you care! There's just not enough of it these days.
Make the right choices - choose the right people. That's my Valentine wish to you!