
Posted on the 01 November 2012 by Maggyruth @maggyruth

It’s November!

I can’t be arsed to write a 50,000 word novel, so I’m going to try something else…you know, because when school is going have so much more time to do things.

So, it will be NaBloPoMo…blog posting. Since this blog has indeed been languishing, it could definitely use a boost. I don’t guaruntee daily, but I think 3x a week is a good goal.

Then there’s NaKniSweMo…knitting a sweater in a month. Specifically it has to be one that has at least 50,000 stitches. I have other knitting that I’m doing, as well, so I will be working on a number of things. But, I have the pattern picked for the sweater, and since I intend for it to be a Christmas gift for someone, I best get a move on.

Anyone else participating in NaNoWriMo, or any of it’s spin offs?