Name Your Blog Like a PRO

Posted on the 13 April 2014 by Aearthr

Want to start a blog but have no idea what to name it?

The blog name/domain/ID you want is taken, how about other alternatives?

Have your blog content changed over time and in need of a new name to house the new content?

If you answer a “Yes” for any of the above 3 questions, you must absolutely read this post.

Ok, I know my blog name is not exactly fantastic to give advice, but this post is all about summary of my favorite blog naming PROs.

1) Name after YOU

Obviously it is your blog, so name it after you. However, your name may be taken (especially if you have very a common name), you can add some terms (noun, adjective, verb) before and after.

Instead of “.com”, use special extension like “.net”, “.me”, “.sg”, “.fr”. Get more info from WordPress help, here.

Let’s look.

2) Create a word

Common words or word pairing are all taken up, so why not create your own unique word. Combine your name, an action, your favorite thing with other prefixes and suffixes.

3) Start with ‘THE’

Although SEO experts said you should not add ‘a’, ‘an’, ‘the’ in the domain, sometimes you may need that extra letters to get your favorite name or simply make the blog name sound or look nicer.

You can simply exclude them in domain but include them only in the header design.

4) Use other language

Use your native language for untaken blog names. Love french, greek, japan or korea spelling, then find the translation of the word you want to use.

5) Combine with “&”

One is not enough, make it two.

6) What are you writing?

Use the genre you are blogging about. Great for Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

7) Oh, _____!

8) Make it SWEET

Not a food blog, yet using a food name. Maybe they sound sweeter!

Above are my favorite blogroll. Have been following them via WordPress Reader and Bloglovin.

Now, starts reading the “About” page of your favorite bloggers to see how they derive their blog names!

If all these fail, then chill and relax, and take whatever words that come into your mind. Make it fantastic with good blog content!

PS: Also do share your blog name stories here!

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