
Posted on the 06 November 2012 by Jillofalltrades @JillDeTrabajos
Guys...I hesitated to tell you because I'm worried I won't finish and then I'll look like a big fucking idiot.
But you probably already think I'm a big fucking idiot, plus now I'll have some peer pressure.
I'm doing NaNoWriMo.
For those of you who don't know, it's National Novel Writing Month--the goal is to write a 50,000-word novel by the end of November.
It is absolutely only a first draft.  It won't be good.  The point is to get the writing itself done, and then spend the next month or so afterward doing the editing and whatnot.
I'm at 2,090 words right now, which means I'm behind, but I also only started Nov. 4th, so I haven't had much of a chance to catch up I'm not done with today's writing yet.  My novel is intended to be a humorous one, very much in the style I write in on this blog.  The subject?  My life.
I hesitated on that one too, thinking surely, my life isn't interesting enough to anyone that they'd actually want to read about it.  But then I realized that if I was going to try to be all modest and simple about myself and my life, I should probably stop farting all over this blog all the time.  And I don't want to stop doing that, because for some reason people seem to enjoy it.
So I was like, fuck it.  Maybe people will find my weird-ass life interesting and more importantly, funny.
If anyone's read Tina Fey's book Bossypants, that's a pretty good idea of the format/style I'm writing in.  That crossed with a really long version of my blog.  Probably even pictures will be involved.
Here's what I am looking for from you guys:
-support, such as "you can do it Sam!  I believe in you!" or "are you kidding, I love hearing stories about your life!" or "you're so beautiful!" which isn't exactly relevant here but would still make me feel good.
-companionship!  It's not too late to do it.  If you're interested, go to and sign up!  And tell me, for Pete's sake.  Oh, plus I think we could be friends on the site!  My name on there is SamanthaLily.
-sponsorship is pretty awesome, which you can do if you'd like, or get your parents to do, or however you kids get hold of your money these days.  The money goes to the NaNoWriMo organization, which is a nonprofit that also runs the Young Writers Program and Camp NaNoWriMo, both dedicated to helping out young writers.  Since I started writing poems at 10 and books at 13, causes like this are dear to my heart!  If you'd like to sponsor me, you can go here, or if you'd just like to donate in general to these cool peeps, you can go here.
Keep on keepin' on, y'all.