Naturals by Watsons – Hair Mask

Posted on the 29 May 2013 by Kimeetay @Kimee_Tay

Hello there fellow earthlings! Haha! Anyway, last week I did a review on the Naturals by Watsons Hair Conditioner. This week, I shall do a review on the Naturals by Watsons Hair Mask!

Tadaa! 200 ml hair mask in a tube. LOL. The original price of this hair mask is around RM 21 and if you are a Watsons member, you are entitled to 15% off! I’m not sure whether the promo is still on or not but there is also a RM 2 off the discounted price! Super worthwhile leh! As you can see in the pictures above, this product contains USDA certified organic olive oil all the way from Italy! But in my honest opinion, the olive oil probably makes up 1 % of the whole product? Haha!

This intensive hair treatment also claims to contain sunflower oil and vitamin B5! Erm, sunflower oil?! I thought it’s for cooking. Haha. Anyway, here’s a tip. Vitamin B5 a.k.a Pantothenic Acid actually shows no benefits to human trial! LOL. I guess they just add it into the product to manipulate the minds of consumers (like me -.-). I mean, whenever you see the word vitamin, the first thing that comes to your mind is GOOD! Unless you are a intelligent chemist who knows all the vitamins and it’s benefits by heart. Hehe.

Parabens on the other hand are used as preservatives. However, they are becoming more controversial because parabens are found in breast cancer tumors. This is just the simplified version of what they meant by Paraben free. Google to find out more! Haha. I guess products which contain parabens might absorb into your skin when you use it? I don’t know. It’s just a wild guess.

It is made in THAILAND! This totally caught my attention. Mel the Lil Sis bought a Schwarzkopf hair treatment (which is obviously much more expensive than Watsons’ home brand LOL) and it was made in China ⁀⊙﹏☉⁀ You get my point right? I’m not boycotting PRC or anything, I just have my own preference. Hehe.

Time to test it out! You know how they say – you never try, you never know. Haha! Oh ya, and if you’re reading this post, lucky you cause I rarely do a blog post with a lot of my pictures in. LOL

Step 1 – shampoo your dirty hair and pat it dry to remove access water! My hair looks clean (to me. LOL) and less haywire and tangled. I guess it’s because I have been using the Naturals by Watsons hair conditioner! If you have read my Naturals by Watsons hair conditioner post, you would notice that my shampooed hair (in the conditioner review) looks like earphone wires all tangled up. Haha.

For my hair, I used around 2 thumb sizes worth of hair mask? Or slightly more? Haha! Since it’s not in a pump form, I can only estimate how much I use each time. The Naturals by Watsons hair mask has a thick consistency but a light density. I love the natural pleasant scent and smooth texture! It is recommended to use twice per week. You know how some skincare/haircare products where you are supposed to use only twice weekly e.g. hair mask, facial scrub, face mask etc, I always use them on the same 2 days (so that I don’t get confused. LOL)!

Gently massage the hair mask through your damp hair. Always keep in mind a simple logic, if you have more hair, use more amount of hair mask. On the other hand, if you have less hair, less amount. LOL.

Leave it in for at least 3 – 5 minutes before rinsing it off thoroughly with warm water. After rinsing and towel drying … voilà

You get semi-dry uncombed hair and I! Haha! I am usually too lazy to comb my hair. After using Naturals by Watsons’ products, I notice that even without combing my hair, it looks quite tamed. LOL. But Mom the Mommy always tell me that if you want healthy hair with a shine, you gotta groom it! Get me a comb and … voilà

Slightly neater hair? Haha!

To conclude, I have to say that the Naturals by Watsons hair mask is a must try. In fact, the Naturals by Watsons series is a must try! I have been using the conditioner and hair mask for a bout 2 weeks now and am loving the condition of my hair! I really love the after rinse fragrance that it leaves in your hair – it’s just really light and pleasant. I absolutely dislike hair products that leave a really strong heavy scent in your hair, sometimes it gets really choking!

A kinda vain picture of me. Haha!

All conditioners and hair treatments offer almost the same thing – smooth, healthy, tangle-free hair etc. Branded hair care products are  always over-priced, and if you have really long (touches your butt! LOL) hair, you probably have to spend quite an amount on hair care products (unless you are some filthy rich bastard whose money grow on trees). Haha. So if you’re looking for both quantity and quality, then I suggest you give Naturals by Watsons a shot! This series also offers body scrub, hair serum, shampoo, etc.

I personally never fancied Watsons home brand products until I tried Naturals by Watsons hair conditioner and hair mask! Once I tried their body soap and it kinda sucked cause there wasn’t much lather. But it makes a perfect hand soap! Haha! Get yours now today! Geez, I did 2 reviews on Watsons’ product. I hope they give me more Watson points or something. LOL. Hope you liked my macam yes review! Till next time ✌