NBA Players Just Like Us, Right?!

Posted on the 24 April 2013 by Lifeofasportswife @jessaolson
So if you haven't noticed that I have been on a slight blogger vacation but mostly because I haven't been feeling well lately. Seriously, this weekend I slept for 30 hours. SERIOUSLY, who does that. This girl!! Anyway, I have the absolutely AMAZING and wondering Sara from Venus Trapped In Mars on my blog today talking about the NBA. I'm not a big NBA fan but since I'm the Sports Wife I try to provide all sports news to you. Sarah and I are quite a like because we both love sports, the SEC, glitter, our dogs, and the list could on for ever. I'm really sad that I didn't get to meet Sarah before I left for Arizona. She lives in Texas, and super close when we were living in Oklahoma City. So many bloggers that I know that live in the Dallas area that I would have traveled to go on a blate with. Anyway, here's the amazing Sarah and her post on NBA players. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hey friends of Jessa, and now friends of mine! (That is how the saying works right?) I'm Sarah and I blog over at Venus Trapped in Mars!  Your favorite sports wife has so kindly invited me to take over her blog today!! I write a lot about sports over at VTIM so I thought I'd bring a little NBA with me today!
NBA players just like us, right?!
NBA players just like us, right?! Lebron James from the Miami Heat takes Mirror Selfies, just like me! 
NBA players just like us, right?!
NBA players just like us, right?! Kevin Durant from the Oklahoma City Thunder sure loves his mama, just like me!
Here goes Kevin Durant being just like me again! He loves his pup, just like me!  We even make the same weird faces!
Chris Paul, point guard for the LA Clippers goes to baseball games! He is just like me!  Not to mention he uses #picstitch!
And of course, they love to dunk, I love to dunk.

So since the NBA playoffs have just started this week, I think you should start following  Lebron // Kevin // Chris on Instagram. I promise you won't regret it! Wildly entertaining. And come see me at VTIM! KLOVEYOUBYE