Need Energy!

Posted on the 19 April 2013 by Suzanne Robinson @mummy2twinsblog

The girls have organised painting themselves. Could not wait for mommy.

Why is it that when you have heaps to do you get sick or don’t feel 100%. I have had my morning coffee, and now just completed eating my muesli with wonderful tasty naval oranges – I am trying to up my vitamin c. I have woken up with a sore throat and the sniffles, and really wanted to stay in bed, however that option is not going to happen with kids who want to get fed and of course be entertained.

Also I need to find the energy to clean and tidy due to hubby and I going out tomorrow night, Yes we are lucky enough to be off to dinner to celebrate a mates birthday and we have a babysitter. Exciting and fun, but not when you are not feeling well.

So I need to make the house look reasonable for our lovely babysitter and get things organised. Thank god that hubby is home on the weekend, maybe what I don’t get done he can help me with tomorrow?

Kids want to paint so have to go and tidy the dining room table and set up the paint for the experience, maybe I should put newspaper under the pergola in the backyard and get them to paint there. Might be less messy. Yes that is what I will do. Hope it is not too cool outside so that they are keen to do it. We will see.

Last night I did Zumba and the twins came along with me. They were so cute following along and wiggling their cute little bums. Just adorable. They were such well-behaved little girls, and after a full day of playgroup and then Zumba last night they fell asleep almost as soon as their little heads touched the pillow. Maybe the exercise did not help, although it was good to go and felt it was another accomplishment especially getting there with kids.

What do you do to promote more energy when sick or not feeling the best? I am going to have a Lem Sip soon and maybe that will help the throat as it has panadol that sits on your throat to help it feel better.  Send in your tips and tricks, and then maybe I can power on and not worry about being under the weather.  I am getting harassed, “Mummy we want to paint! You have finished your breakfast so can we do it now?”  I best go off and organize or else there will be trouble.

PS. While writing this post the girls have organised their own painting so that solves that issue. What clever girls, and also it shows that mommy did not action things quick enough.

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