Hellooo shimmers,
I got a couple of emails asking me random questions so I thought I would do a random Q&A post.. Please feel free to ask me more questions so I can do another and also I tag you to answer these questions and post a link to your answers in the comments :)
1.First ever makeup brand purchase? Maybelline New York matte mouse foundation favorite until I tried the liquid version and now I use that.
2. Worst makeup product ever bought? Has to be... 17 peach nail polish- very very very watery. :(
3. First celeb crush?
Don't laugh...Ron Weasley from Harry potter (i was like 8 and I thought if I married him I could be best friends with Hermione!!!)
4. Favourite birthday party?
Jewellery making party a lady came round and helped us all make a necklace each.
5. Favourite ever gift? Mac makeup appointment and voucher (not used it yet just got it for my 17th)
6. Worst gift?
This is difficult cause I've never really received bad gifts..... Oh yeah for my 14th I got this like Chinese top like silk traditional Chinese top in luminous yellow.....(all I need to say!) yellow :/
7. Marriage or kids first?
Probably marriage but if kids came first then so be it I wouldn't really mind as long as I am happy with my life :)
8. Dream place to live?
Los Angeles or Mallorca
9. What would you like to do before you die? Have children and visit New York
10. Dream makeup product?
100 shades in a mac eyeshadow palette! That would be cool... And superbly superbly expensive!! Do you even get ones that size?!!